Sticks and Stones/ LJ Idol week 10

Jan 13, 2012 11:36

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

That awkward age

I always thought that was the stupidest saying. Was there anymore false bravado than that? Anyone who says that has already been hurt by words. Everyone gets hurt by words. You’d have to have the skin of a rhino not to get hurt at some point.

Me? My skin is a far sight thinner than a rhino’s. And I have the memory of an elephant. Which is why I can remember so many hurtful words. Not just the ones said to me. My earliest memories were of the hurtful words my father always had for my mother. I grew up in a household embroiled in battle. I never understood why they fought. It always seemed to be over the silliest things. But fight they would, and my father would always sling the insults the hardest. My mom gave it back but I could see how hurt she was.

My father was an engineer who began his career as a HS math teacher. I was always particularly bad at math, so when I would have a problem I really didn’t understand I’d go to him for help. Big mistake. His way of explaining things was not how anyone could understand it, least of all me. If I said I didn’t understand it more than once he’d start calling me a nincompoop, which was really helpful. Eventually I’d just say I got it, even when I didn’t, just to go to my room in tears.

He wasn’t physically abusive to my mother, although I did get spankings as a little kid. The words, though, the words would hurt just as much and would last a lot longer. They’ve lasted a lifetime really. They say parents teach their children how to behave as grown ups. In my case, my father probably did me a great favor. He taught me how NOT to be, as I’ve intentionally lived my life in the opposite of his. In my 30’s I became a mother and raised a gentle loving son to be a caring and compassionate adult. I became a teacher in my forties and was known for being extra patient and understanding. So in a way, I am my father’s legacy in reverse. And for that, I’m thankful.

This is my LJ Idol entry for week 10, If you like this please vote for me (everyone can this week!) VOTE HERE Thank you!
-the Management
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