if you stop dreaming, you're just sleeping

Oct 06, 2010 09:24

You guys!! I saw so many movies this weekend. Saturday was Catfish (which was good, but I think presented a little misleadingly, and that’s all I’ll say about that, because everyone who says you want to see it without knowing anything about it? is totally right.), and Let Me In. Which also falls within the good-but-not-great realm for me. It was ( Read more... )

lit, movies, music

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Comments 15

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marshmallow October 6 2010, 16:55:45 UTC
They are! I think the comparisons started early on, because they were both taking on kind of similar roles for a little bit there, but Jesse Eisenberg has really been standing out and apart lately. He seriously just rocked it in this one.


handlet October 6 2010, 16:44:51 UTC
Darkness, Take My Hand is so excellent. I loved A Drink Before the War and couldn't put it down when I read it (same with every Kenzie-Gennaro book, really), but yeah, Darkness was on a whole other level. And I know, once I read the series I felt really disappointed only the fourth book became a movie, because I was so impressed with Gone Baby Gone, and if the rest of the series could have been adapted as well as that one, it could have been such a fantastic set of films.


marshmallow October 6 2010, 17:09:01 UTC
I think I actually read A Drink Before the War faster, but that's only because I made myself take it slow with Darkness. :D But seriously, I could see that having been the next Silence of the Lambs if he'd started there. Which I think he could have done a little bit more easily, since the Kenzie/Gennaro relationship is still kind of in flux in those. It's kind of a spoiler to go into these books knowing they wind up together by #4. :P It makes it a little harder to go back. I think the dynamic of the two of them, plus Phil, was so well done, and so heart-breaking, and really quite unique and complex. So while they could make a second movie from one of the earlier books, it would be at a cost. :/

(Also, YAY! I didn't know you were a Lehane fan!)


handlet October 6 2010, 17:54:25 UTC
I am! Well, I'm less interested in his other books (I've only read Shutter Island), but man do I love Patrick & Angie.

But seriously, I could see that having been the next Silence of the Lambs if he'd started there.
YES! It's so twisty and dark, and all that history between Patrick and Angie and Phil was really complicated and interesting. I wouldn't have even minded all that much if he'd skipped the first and third books, but ugh, Darkness could have been such a great place to start.


faeriesfolly October 6 2010, 17:34:22 UTC
*fully takes blame and plants it right in front of a peashooter*

I think I am going to re-read Hunger Games so I can catch up to the rest of you with book #2 and book #3.


marshmallow October 7 2010, 12:49:59 UTC
Teehee.. I love how the wall-nuts cry when they get eaten too much. XD

And ooh! Good plan!


mozartfan1313 October 6 2010, 23:47:06 UTC
I had/have no desire to see The Social Network, but apparently I'm missing out. I love David Fincher but the trailer bored me to tears. I'll have to watch it, though, since it will likely get Oscar nominations. Was it overhyped in any way? That's whatI fear.


marshmallow October 7 2010, 12:52:41 UTC
The trailer is pretty terrible. If anything, they underhype it, making it all about the Facebook angle and not really showing much of the film itself. But if you love David Fincher, I think this is a definite must see. Even the ways in which it's problematic make for interesting discussion, I think, so if you do see it, I'll be curious to hear what you have to say!


afrocurl October 7 2010, 04:42:56 UTC
We haven't had the chance to discuss The Social Network or the soundtrack, but WE MUST! I just love the Reznor score for the whole movie (The Hall of the Mountain King) may be my favorite.)


marshmallow October 7 2010, 13:07:14 UTC
AGREED! I had heard the day before that it was a great score, but even going in expecting it to be good, I was blown away. I hope they work together for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo remake too.

(Sorry if you got this twice.. lj crapped out when I was posting the first time.)


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