battle of the celebrity hotties - round 2!

Apr 23, 2010 18:38

Yikes, you guys.. Is it Friday already? Because Monday was almost yesterday.. This week went by soooo quickly! There was a new Blur song (thanks to shrixer78 for pointing out that I could get it from their site), a new Band of Horses song (loooove it), the grand unveiling of the new National record (mind blowing), my Blockade Billy arrived from Cemetery ( Read more... )

fangirl, meme, music

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Comments 22

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marshmallow April 25 2010, 14:51:58 UTC
I actually do love Kate.. the fact that she's deeply flawed is part of what makes her such an interesting character for me. But agreed, that the latter is undeniable!


faeriesfolly April 24 2010, 00:02:37 UTC
Megan Fox gets a lot of hate. I think sometimes she has put her foot firmly in her mouth a few times, but she won me over when she did SNL. haha. I'm an easy sell if you can hold your own on the SNL stage. ;)


marshmallow April 25 2010, 14:57:11 UTC
She definitely has (the Wonder Woman thing! ugh!), but she's also really pretty young, so I think that's to be expected. And honestly, even when I don't always like what she's saying, I kind of appreciate her lack of filter. It makes her a lot more interesting than the average young Hollywood star that has their PR rep controlling every word and soundbyte. (And she really did rock SNL, more than some others on this list to be sure...!)


suzyx April 24 2010, 00:05:02 UTC
I don't know if I can participate in this anymore because the above should not be out of it!!!

JK I'll vote.


suzyx April 24 2010, 00:07:26 UTC
PS - Bradley Cooper is so ugly.


marshmallow April 25 2010, 14:58:50 UTC
I agree! I suspect I will have that problem with every elimination, but still..

Aww though, poor Bradley! He's gone now though, if that makes you feel better. ;)


callingpiper April 24 2010, 00:35:23 UTC
i had to look a few of these up using your pretty picture links. clemence posey comes up as gweneth paltrow. Zachary levi has quinto's pic i think, and jon hamm didnt come up. sorry to be annoying, just thought i'd let you know. this was fun though! i think its outrageous megan was eliminated!!!


marshmallow April 25 2010, 15:00:10 UTC
Eep!! That's not annoying at all! Thanks for pointing that out. I was apparently in spaz-mode when I was copying and pasting. :P


mozartfan1313 April 24 2010, 00:59:24 UTC
Megan Fox got voted out already? I'm a little surprised, I must admit.


marshmallow April 25 2010, 15:00:37 UTC
I was surprised too!


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