top five albums of 2009

Jan 03, 2010 13:41

I thiiiink this is my final order. But cripes, how awesome was this year for music? It was impossible to choose.

5. Julian Plenti … Is Skyscraper / Julian Casablancas Phrazes for the Young (I'LL NOT CHOOSE BETWEEN MY JULIANS!)
4. White Lies To Lose My Life
3. Phoenix Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
2. Gliss Devotion Implosion
1. Yeah Yeah Yeahs It's ( Read more... )


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Comments 14

graveyardghosts January 7 2010, 10:02:53 UTC
Haha, I just discovered White Lies at the very end of December. I LOVE the song Death. It's wonderful.


marshmallow January 11 2010, 17:29:17 UTC
Right?? So good! "A Place to Hide" is my current favourite. :D


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