12 of 12

Oct 13, 2009 08:38

So, apparently I have not successfully done one of these since May. That's forever ago! I found like half of September on the camera when I yanked these off, but man, I've been slacking.

12 of 12 - 10.12.09 )

photog, 12 of 12

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Comments 16

absterpuff October 13 2009, 17:18:18 UTC
Aww snow! I'm praying we get some of it soon cuz I'm dying to go snowboarding.

And ngl, I can't bring myself to watch the trailer for Paranormal Activity. I'm a big fraidy-cat.


marshmallow October 13 2009, 21:31:19 UTC
We didn't get enough here for snowboarding.. alas, it's all melted today. I'm kind of okay with that though. I like the winter and all, but not at the expense of fall. ;D


i_am_girlfriday October 13 2009, 17:23:24 UTC
You are a great photographer :) Love these picspams. And your dogs!!!!!!!!!! So sweet and vicious at the same time :)


marshmallow October 13 2009, 21:32:11 UTC
Aww! Thanks! And yus.. sweet and vicious about sums them up. ;D


nolongertwo October 13 2009, 18:40:16 UTC
Snow looks so pretty. You're dogs are so adorable even tough they look kinda scary in the second to last pic. Ha!


marshmallow October 13 2009, 21:33:41 UTC
Teehee.. I do occasionally have to separate them when they get going like that. One misplaced snap and all of a sudden they're not having so much fun anymore.. They're usually pretty gentle with each other though, no matter how ferocious they look. :)


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marshmallow October 13 2009, 21:40:11 UTC
I think it's really one where you either love it or hate it.. there's not going to be much room for a middle ground, I don't think. I thought it was really effective and scary though, and impressively done with so few resources. I plan to see it again to see how it holds up as a film after the element of surprise is gone though.


tokenblkgirl October 13 2009, 23:15:50 UTC
I wish I could take pictures this pretty. XD I've been hearing a lot about Paranormal lately, I need to add that to my watch list (which is way too long.)


marshmallow October 14 2009, 15:43:17 UTC
I hadn't heard much about it when I went, but apparently I'm the only one.. the theater was packed! It is definitely the time of year for too-long watch lists though.. I love it! So much fun to pull up moviefone and just have my pick of stuff to see. :D


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