Dear Jake Freivald,
As it has come to my attention concerning the conservative nature of your online zine, Flash Fiction Online, I am pulling my story, "Fratbots," submitted on July 29th 2009 from consideration.
Marshall Payne
Thanks to
shweta_narayan for the heads up to
I'd only subbed to them once before back in 2008. A story now published in Kaleidotrope #5, "The Blue Testament." I just went back and chuckled at the editor's rejection about the predictability of my 500-word flash piece. Okay, perhaps it is, but how many stories have Jesus crashing His Jaguar and the paramedics trying to get him out with the jaws of life?
ETA: there is a wicked part of me that wishes I had a flash version of my story "Dharma and Bert" (published in Polluto #3) to sub to this LGBT-unfriendly market. Just to see how much flack my lesbian goddess power fantasy might pick up. ;D