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[Voice] reflectivedawn May 26 2011, 23:58:55 UTC
[He sounds just as tired.]

Way to be specific, Rei.


[Video] reflectivedawn May 27 2011, 03:09:09 UTC
[A horde of angry carnivorous butterflies really, really don't scare him, Tyki. You're gonna have to better than that.]

Pretty sure you have better uses for them.


[Video] sleightofhearts May 27 2011, 03:11:44 UTC
[To each their own - Tyki's quite sure you won't be saying that when said horde of carnivorous butterflies rips you in half~]

Oh, I do. But the supply is low, and I desperately need another nursery, you see.


[Video] reflectivedawn May 27 2011, 03:14:22 UTC
[Who says they'd get that far?]

Good luck finding one.


[Video] sleightofhearts May 27 2011, 03:42:27 UTC
Can't say I haven't found one.


[Video] reflectivedawn May 27 2011, 03:45:18 UTC
Good for you.

[And he's this close to hanging up because seriously, Tyki, all you're doing is wasting his time.]

Is that all you wanted?


[Video] sleightofhearts May 27 2011, 03:49:46 UTC
I suppose so.

[He winks before closing the feed first.]


[Text // Private // Unhackable] marsfireignite May 27 2011, 04:13:07 UTC
Do you want to end up like Zuko did? It's impossible to hit him, to kill him, to defend yourself. Press his buttons and he'll make sure you remember it.

[And that will be the only message she sends.]


[Text // Private // Unhackable] reflectivedawn May 27 2011, 04:21:10 UTC
Thanks for the warning, but I don't plan to.

[He's pretty sure they were just empty threats, and he plans to keep them that way.]


[Video // Private // Unhackable] marsfireignite May 27 2011, 02:58:19 UTC
[Congratulations, Tyki. You are the only person who is getting straight up video -- mainly because you already know what happened. But have Mars, in the flesh, with fire in her left palm, looking almost... irritated.]

What are you doing?


[Video // Private // Unhackable] sleightofhearts May 27 2011, 03:04:44 UTC

Come now. If anyone's causing mass panic...

[It's him.]


[Video // Private // Unhackable] marsfireignite May 27 2011, 03:06:54 UTC
[SMALL GRACES, TYKI. SMALL GRACES. She murmurs something to herself and sends fire to the walls, to get rid of the blood on them, her expression carefully neutral.]

I don't need you to stand up for me.

[She almost sounds offended. Almost. But a tiny part of her is grateful that someone is standing up for her.

Even if it's Tyki.]


[Video // Private // Unhackable] sleightofhearts May 27 2011, 03:10:46 UTC
I'm choosing to.

[It isn't very often Tyki jumps into Adstringendum politics - the last time had been when Sebastian had been outted as a demon - so YOU'RE WELCOME, SAILOR MARS.]


[Video // Private // Unhackable] marsfireignite May 27 2011, 03:13:55 UTC
[... which was also her fault. /yeah.gif

She stares at him, for a long moment, before glancing back down at the ground. The mess is mostly cleaned up, and there isn't a lick of blood on Mars -- she was careful to avoid it.]

Then, next time, choose to let me deal with --

[But, suddenly, Mars turns away, and her shoulders shudder slightly as something lurches in her throat.

She has an iron-clad will -- but even Sailor Mars can't stay in the presence of coagulated disgusting blood for so long without her stomach trying to rebel.

When she talks again, her tone is a little odd and strained, but Mars forces out the words anyway.]

... choose to let me deal with it.


[Video // Private // Unhackable] sleightofhearts May 27 2011, 03:48:45 UTC
[He watches politely, waiting until she's finished before she turns around before offering her a sidesmirk.]

If the shoe fits.


[Video // Private // Unhackable] marsfireignite May 27 2011, 03:52:32 UTC
[She tosses him a flat look before she sends another burst of fire towards the ground.]

... thanks.

[It's said very irritably -- almost irately -- and Mars is putting a lot more effort into that Fire Soul than strictly necessary, because her pride -- but it somehow still manages to be sincere.]


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