I was tagged by
spiralleds to do the five meme thing.
Sometimes it's ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five fic-favorites you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.
Reyal's Rellik was my first fanfic ever. I thought it was plotty and character driven. I thought it was the BEST.FANFIC.EVER! Now, I’m afraid to reread it! But nonetheless, it’s getting rec’d/self-pimped because it was the first fanfic I’d ever written.
Reyal’s Rellik turned into a trilogy. First was Reyal’s, then came Back to the Beginning, and it was all summed up with Changes - the first fanfic I wrote that had an OC. I wonder what Emma is up to nowadays? At one point, I totalled the word count for all three of them and it was well over 100,000 words. Needless to say, my fan fiction will NEVER get that high of a word count again *g*
Here is where it’s going to get tricky - picking the next four.
My ficathon entries seem to be my best-written stories, so number two would be
That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles. This was my first
iwry_marathon entry and it was fun and challenging to participate. And yes, it’s B/A centric.
Number three, would be another
iwry_marathon entry:
What is forever?. It’s the first fic I ever wrote that made me cry. And all those on my FList knows why...
Number four, that’s easy! My first award winner!
A Normal Life. This was my first foray into Spuffy for
mommanerd and it was fun!
Number five… OY! I don’t know what to pick! There’s another Spuffy fic I’m pretty proud of as well!
When one door closes..., but what about my first and only Ganya fic
Every Little Thing She Does is Magic which won an award as well?
Then there’s the Mr. Gordo and the Buffybot
The Buffybot and Mr. Gordo Save the World fics!!
*** Screams***
Okay, now I remember why I kept putting off doing this post! Hee!
I won't officially tag anyone, because everyone has probably done this meme already, BUT if you haven't and you want to, consider yourself tagged!