Hypocrisy of the highest order

Sep 07, 2006 10:42

Edit: This miniseries is fucking 5 hours long???

May 7, 2004: On the television network that his company owns, Disney CEO Michael Eisner dismissed the idea that forbidding Disney subsidiary Miramax to distribute a controversial new documentary by Michael Moore was a form of censorship. "We informed both the agency that represented the film and all of our companies that we just didn't want to be in the middle of a politically-oriented film during an election year," he told ABC World News Tonight (5/5/04), referring to Moore's Fahrenheit 911. (emphasis mine)

Of course, now Disney's ABC wants to air "The Path to 9/11" that rewrites the 9/11 Commission Report and wants to lay the disaster that was 9/11 solely at President Clinton's feet. Totally not George "The Pet Goat" W Bush's fault. No, no, no. (Glenn Greenwald demonstrates how this is utter, complete crap.)

The more I've found out about the "Path to 9/11" the more I have to fight the urge to hurl and catch the next flight out of a country that would produce and air blatant neocon propaganda made out of thin air, nevermind that they want to package it as "docudrama" (now with disclaimers!). It's a 2-part miniseries that is nothing but a 2-hour political smear ad against dems, history revisionism, and a gift to the current administration. Disney, fuck you. FUCK YOU. My hatred for you has only grown and grown the more I learn about your hell-spawned company. I will never, ever raise kids on your crap.

Click here for all the info you could ever want on this journalistic travesty

I've been steaming over this the last few days - literally too mad to do anything. That has stopped. I'm emailing everyone I can on this handy contact list provided here.

You want web forms? Click below:

Act for Change - ABC: Tell the Truth About 9/11

tv, disney, journalism, 9/11, politics

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