Title: A Blue King's Story: Message Author: Me Genre: Smut, Cardverse AU Pairings: USUK Rating: M for Mature Warnings: Smut, First-Person POV, King-Courtesan relationship Summary: A continuation of A Blue King's Story. Now with more plot!
I'm loving this story as well :) But Arthur's still a bit confusing since just as Alfred has noticed, it's hard to tell if Arthur's being honest and not doing things due to some kind of duty or obligation. I hope to see more of Alfred's past, as well as Arthur warming more to Alfred!
It's so fun to write Arthur like this because I don't even know all the time if he's being honest or not since I'm writing through Alfred. I usually have a good idea though.
Arthur's only used "we" twice so far to refer to him and Alfred, and that's including the dialogue that didn't get written out. But even if he's still keeping them separate, he's still letting more of his personality slip through. :D
In response to your question: pretty much. Arthur had basically been trained to expect to be at best treated as a favored mistress or prized pet, this deeper connection Alfred keeps reaching for is something he doesn't know how to handle.
I was planning to write out more details. It's the problem with first person perspective. Alfred viewed the nobles as a faceless mass not worth explaining in detail, so that's what he tells us about despite my attempts. I'm not going to fight with him over it.
Yao has his own independent agenda. XD
Alfred only had a vague idea of what was going to happen, while Arthur had a pretty clear one the question is did he know about Yao so Arthur didn't have to worry about Alfred getting thrown off of a script and just trusted that he'd be as stubborn as he always is
( ... )
Yesssss! I'm so glad this popped up today! This was a beautiful follow-up piece, and now I'm pumped for the next chapter!
It's nice to see how they're falling into a comfortable space with each other and it's becoming something more meaningful than sex. Especially for Al. Arthur is still an enigma, but his walls are coming down.
Comments 15
I hope to see more of Alfred's past, as well as Arthur warming more to Alfred!
Arthur's only used "we" twice so far to refer to him and Alfred, and that's including the dialogue that didn't get written out. But even if he's still keeping them separate, he's still letting more of his personality slip through. :D
I was planning to write out more details. It's the problem with first person perspective. Alfred viewed the nobles as a faceless mass not worth explaining in detail, so that's what he tells us about despite my attempts. I'm not going to fight with him over it.
Yao has his own independent agenda. XD
Alfred only had a vague idea of what was going to happen, while Arthur had a pretty clear one the question is did he know about Yao so Arthur didn't have to worry about Alfred getting thrown off of a script and just trusted that he'd be as stubborn as he always is ( ... )
It's nice to see how they're falling into a comfortable space with each other and it's becoming something more meaningful than sex. Especially for Al. Arthur is still an enigma, but his walls are coming down.
Alfred is pretty much incapable of having meaningless sex just because of how he was raised. I love writing Arthur here.
Can't wait to read the next chapter! ^^
Hopefully I'll finish it sooner rather than later.
I love this. Arthur is opening up to Alfred and the story gets more interesting! I can't wait to see the next part!
Hopefully I'll be able to finish it soon.
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