Title: Inseams and Master Swords [4/6] Genre: Humor, Romance Pairing(s): USUK Rating/Warnings: (PG), Shounen-ai (Boys love) Summary: America needs help with his Halloween costume, and England can sew...
I found this chapter hilarious. It's understandable why people look at them that way... especially since they're inside a store that's stereotypically viewed as "for females only". England is sooo jealous (and quite possessive if I may say so).
The last bit was LOL~ I can imagine Alfred looking so smug when he said that it's not his fault British girls couldn't keep their hands off American men. XDD
Comments 1
The last bit was LOL~ I can imagine Alfred looking so smug when he said that it's not his fault British girls couldn't keep their hands off American men. XDD
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