Sokka the 6th | [Action]

Dec 28, 2009 00:00

[With all the amateurs around making their silly little snowmen, Sokka has been working on something a bit more extravagant. Where the path past Community Housing 2 once ended now stands what is a rather impressive fortress... constructed entirely of snow and ice. His pet project for a few days now, Sokka's fortress is about the size of a small ( Read more... )

*ami, *luffy, *stitch, [action], *rydia, *nash, *salt, *duo

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Comments 231

[Action] i_like_fluffy December 28 2009, 05:20:06 UTC
[Stitch is wandering around the fortress looking at it with great glee. It looks like a lot of fun, and is cheering Sokka on whenever he hits someone with a snow ball. He's collecting snow in an attempt at these snow balls himself, although so far he's still figuring out how to pack them together properly.]


[Action] markofthewise December 28 2009, 05:22:38 UTC
[Sokka is impressed by the little guy's spunk, though his method needs work. He leans over the wall of his fortress to watch the strange blue dog thing.]

No no, you have to pack it like this! [Sokka scoops up some snow and demonstrates.]


[Action] i_like_fluffy December 28 2009, 07:46:22 UTC
Ah. [Stitch will successful pack a snow ball from Sokkas demonstration. Unfortunately it seems to only target to aim at for the moment is Sokka. Have a snow ball thrown thrown at you. Stitch will then start throwing snowballs at anyone else who comes near Sokkas fort.]


[Action] markofthewise December 28 2009, 14:55:53 UTC
[For a moment, Sokka stands there with a face full of snow.] Hey, no friendly fire, soldier!


[action] no_use_running December 28 2009, 06:18:33 UTC
[Oh Sokka. Challenging the soldier of Water - which includes ice and snow? Yeah, it'd be like trying to get the best of Katara if she used her bending. On the other hand, Ami doesn't plan to openly use her powers.

The second a snowball whaps her right on the shoulder, she also doesn't plan to let it go. Her lips spread into a grin that somehow seems too wide even when she's just goofing off like this. A return volley sails through the air towards Sokka immediately]

Are you sure you want to fight me?

(ooc: ...mun promises to be less wordy now; that really got tldr. o_O sorry! XD)


[action] markofthewise December 28 2009, 14:58:57 UTC
[This is the same Sokka who has taken on many benders before. He isn't too worried. After barely avoiding the return volley, Sokka immediately counter attacks with his pre-made snowballs.] Water Tribe warriors never back down from a fight.


Re: [action] no_use_running December 28 2009, 21:06:32 UTC
[Snowball snowball snowball... until-]

Water Tribe?


[action] markofthewise December 28 2009, 21:07:46 UTC
[Dodge splat counterattack dodge and oh-]

Southern Water Tribe. You probably haven't heard of it.


eidolon_soul December 28 2009, 07:02:44 UTC
[Splat. Sokka gets that one for free, since Rydia was busy inspecting the snow fortress and didn't look over in time. It plasters her shoulder, but she brushes it off and scoops up some snow.]

Nice fort! But it won't save you, if you insist on fighting me.

[She grins and tosses her snowball. It's only fair.]


markofthewise December 28 2009, 15:01:23 UTC
You wish to challenge Fort Sokka? Very well, have at you!

[Sokka will EPIC DODGE that snowball by using his defensive walls. Have some epic return fire as he starts throwing his pre-made snowballs with both hands.]


eidolon_soul December 28 2009, 23:07:20 UTC
[Rydia narrowly dodges the first couple, though one smacks against her leg, and another splatters all over one sleeve. That doesn't stop her from gathering more snowballs, though.]

I'll get you for that!

[She grabs hers and leaps forward, throwing them as swiftly and accurately as she can. Just because Sokka and his fort are likely to win doesn't mean she's not going to make him work for it.]


markofthewise December 28 2009, 23:09:42 UTC
[Sokka ducks under a few of them, but another clips his face. He grabs a few more snowballs and throws them all at Super Sokka Speed.]

Your moves are impressive, but you're sorely outmatched.


[Action] colony_brat December 28 2009, 09:50:00 UTC
[It's a good thing Duo's approaching from the other side then. He'll whistle to get Sokka's attention though.] Now this is impressive.


[Action] markofthewise December 28 2009, 15:02:51 UTC
[Sokka is disappointed his keen warrior instincts didn't pick up Duo, but he'll look over the edge at him.]

This is how we make all our homes back at the South Pole. Too bad it won't last as long here.


[Action] colony_brat December 29 2009, 02:12:55 UTC
South Pole, huh? Guess you outta be really good at this. Should be makin' some really impressive stuff.


[Action] markofthewise December 29 2009, 03:59:45 UTC
You just said it was impressive!


sun_trumpet December 28 2009, 14:59:55 UTC
[Flies round the fortress, examining it from all sides] How did you make this?


markofthewise December 28 2009, 15:03:46 UTC
[Sokka hears the voice and is about to plaster it with a snowball, but when he turns around he sees a small little... somebody. The snowball falls out of his hand.]

Uhhh... with snow?


sun_trumpet December 28 2009, 17:53:10 UTC
Really? Just with snow? Wow, you must have spent years on this!


markofthewise December 28 2009, 20:09:13 UTC
Just a few days. More importantly... what are you?


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