Nazgûl update

May 09, 2008 13:04

In my LJ sidebar, I keep a link to the Nazgûl-- that is to say, the nine Republican senators who, three years ago, refused to vote against torture. I try to keep blatant electoral politicking off this LJ most of the time, but for these guys, I make an exception.

None of them were up for re-election in 2006, so they felt safe taking their votes. Times have changed, though, and 2008 is shaping up to be another terrible year for the Republicans in Congress. The Democrats challenging these men aren't perfect; I'm sure I'd have issues with them too. But torture is maybe my #1 moral issue, alongside war, and on this point at least the Democrats have consistently been better than the Republicans.

Here are our Nine Riders, their challengers when known, and the odds of taking them down. A handy one-sheet guide to the conventional wisdom is here (PDF).

Wayne Allard of Colorado. Unlike an actual Nazgûl, Allard does not have a ring of power to stretch out his lifespan, so he's retiring this year. The seat is considered a tossup, one of the Democrats' strongest pickup opportunities. Those of you concerned primarily about a Democratic Senate might want to show Mark Udall some love. Myself, I'm more focused on helping the torturers sweat a little.

Kit Bond of Missouri, and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma aren't up for re-election until 2010.

Thad Cochran of Mississippi. Cook considers this a safe Republican seat, as seems reasonable. There are actually two Mississippi Senate races this year, due to Trent Lott's early retirement, and the other seems more competitive. Nevertheless, Erik Fleming, who's running against Cochran, deserves to be named and thanked. His race may start looking better in the summer; if so, I'll be sure to mention it.

John Cornyn of Texas: Here things get interesting. Cook considers his seat very safe, and again, that's to be expected. But two recent polls suggest that Democratic challenger Rick Noriega is close on his heels. As Markos says, it's shocking but apparently true. This would be a huge pickup. I plan to donate very soon, and I suggest you do the same: Early money is the best kind, and the kind that might get the national party behind this race.

James Inhofe of Oklahoma has what appears to be another very safe seat. His challenger is Andrew Rice.

Pat Roberts of Kansas has two Democratic challengers listed on the state party's website; I'll post a link once they have a nominee.

Jeff Sessions of Alabama is opposed by Vivian Davis Figures, who appears to have an uphill battle.

Ted Stevens of Alaska is another tossup in the Cook report. He's eighty-five, corrupt, and a worldwide laughingstock to boot-- you might remember him as the man who first called the internet a series of tubes. The Dems don't seem to have a nominee yet, but whoever he is will have a decent chance. If you want to give now, give to the state party, which can definitely use the money.

So we'll definitely be one Nazgûl less come January, and have a shot at taking two more down with him. This is a good thing. Lord willing, the madness that has overtaken the Republicans will subside in the next generation, and we don't have to get the ugly spectacle of Christians arguing whether torture is acceptable.
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