But the issue didn’t go away. Most of the “serious” writers, like the above-mentioned Messrs. Nowak and Wikstrom (and Matt Plotecher, and Michael Demcio) skewed towards Chip/Gadget. On the opposite side was this female writer who hated Chip and constructed this whole ‘fic universe where Gadget was into theatre and everyone was vaguely Wiccan and eventually Gadget hooked up with this female OC and they were arty lesbians together.
Double you. Tee. Eff.
(Yay for a rant about Rescue Rangers! Childhood fandoms represent. ♥)
The thing about shipping is...in the right hands it's just another aspect of fandom, but in the wrong hands it's a bomb waiting to go off and make a mess of things. And unfortunately, fandoms tend to have more wrong hands than right hands. I firmly believe that Avatar: The Last Airbender fandom would be at least 50% less explosive if there was no shipping involved at all, in fanon OR canon.
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYES regarding Avatar. I refuse to set foot in that fandom. Like, ever. I only had one short drabbly idea anyway even after seeing the entire thing.
But the way the fans tear each other's heads off about who-gets-with-who is just stupid. It's always stupid. Maybe I OTP A/B, but I don't give a shit if someone else OTPs A/C, A/D, or whatever strikes their fancy. You know, the ol' leave me to my devices, I'll leave you to yours? Live and let live? Et cetera?
I never understood why there were those big ship wars, even in FE fandom. Like, why would anyone stand up and say [pairing here] is stupid, or less canon than another pairing, or better than another pairing? What does that get anybody? :/
I got into the Avatar fandom because I'm a dweeb. And I felt the immense need to write. And because there were some nice people in it.
But the way the fans tear each other's heads off about who-gets-with-who is just stupid. It's always stupid. Maybe I OTP A/B, but I don't give a shit if someone else OTPs A/C, A/D, or whatever strikes their fancy. You know, the ol' leave me to my devices, I'll leave you to yours? Live and let live? Et cetera?
That just seems to be too hard a concept for most of fandom to grasp. :( I wish it wasn't so.
So with you, man, on genfic. I can't bring myself to read or write anything whose sole focus is on who likes who, myself. I mean, I get the appeal, but eh. Not for me.
Also. I had no idea there was a fandom around that show. It, and Darkwing Duck=my childhood, man.
Never got into Darkwing Duck. Too absurdist. I was Ducktales-CNDRR-Tale Spin all the way. For whatever reason, only CNDRR had a really viable fandom. I don't understand why Tale Spin didn't attract better writers, as it was the darkest and most... evocative... of the three shows, with a world that begged for exploration.
I'd offer some 'fic recs, but somehow I doubt the stories I treasured a decade ago are up to my standards and yours these days.
I dunno how to describe my attitude with fandoms like that. I mean. I liked all the shows, but there are very few things that make me actually want to look deeper? If that makes any sense? So I'm always surprised by finding out about fanbases I never knew existed.
The only thing I know of the Rescue Rangers fandom is that there's one crazy guy who has a very strange fetish for Gadget. And uh. Do not want.
Wow, you know, I'm so glad I wasn't really in fandom then. Actually, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure nobody in this town had internet in their homes in the 90s at all. Why does that feel like such a long time ago
( ... )
Pair the spares except for the unsexy old people. Nobody engaged in flame wars over Monterey Jack, after all.
But I will admit I have seen a lot of stories that "focused" on [insert pairing here] but for some reason had like, 12 other pairings that just *HAD* to at least be mentioned also-- but they never served any purpose at all.
I have a rant gestating in the back of my brain around that one, but it's not very coherent right now.
Anyway, this was a good read.
Thanks. It felt good to get it all out on paper after so many years.
We need some of those in FE fandom right now. Just for the lulz.
No. We do not need any recitations of the entire lyrics of "Total Eclipse of the Heart," after which the heart-broken heroine totters offscreen and dies, only to be shortly revived through the Powar of Luv. We do NOT need this, Manna.
We do not need any recitations of the entire lyrics of "Total Eclipse of the Heart," after which the heart-broken heroine totters offscreen and dies, only to be shortly revived through the Powar of Luv. Finally, I know how to end "Through These Nights!" 8D!
I love gen 'fic--it's not always about the hawt secks (or, more often than not, the boi pr0nz buttsecks) people.
I was still really young when I used to watch CNDRR and similar shows obsessively, so I'm really glad I didn't get into the fandoms/even know about it until reading this. My childhood would've been ruined forever.
But. Shippers gonna ship, what can you do? It's when they all start going batshit insane that it gets out of hand.
Um, I hope you you don't mind my poking my head in randomly... I was a big Disney Afternoon fan in the day, and couldn't resist commenting. *looks embarassed
( ... )
I was a big Disney Afternoon fan in the day, and couldn't resist commenting
Nah, the gates are open around here. Thanks for dropping by!
However, I was a big TaleSpin fan (hence my username)
Oh, cool.
yet I can't think of any really stand out stories off hand
There weren't any! I know I read "Thy Fearful Symmetry," but I can't recall it, and I never got into High Flight either. The stories I remember most were some Kit Cloudkicker ones written by people who weren't native English speakers and had hilarious spelling mistakes in the middle of tense dramatic scenes. :/
But that was such a compelling and different kind of world (for a kids' cartoon) that I am sorry so few cared to explore it.
Comments 28
Double you. Tee. Eff.
(Yay for a rant about Rescue Rangers! Childhood fandoms represent. ♥)
The thing about shipping is...in the right hands it's just another aspect of fandom, but in the wrong hands it's a bomb waiting to go off and make a mess of things. And unfortunately, fandoms tend to have more wrong hands than right hands. I firmly believe that Avatar: The Last Airbender fandom would be at least 50% less explosive if there was no shipping involved at all, in fanon OR canon.
But the way the fans tear each other's heads off about who-gets-with-who is just stupid. It's always stupid. Maybe I OTP A/B, but I don't give a shit if someone else OTPs A/C, A/D, or whatever strikes their fancy. You know, the ol' leave me to my devices, I'll leave you to yours? Live and let live? Et cetera?
I never understood why there were those big ship wars, even in FE fandom. Like, why would anyone stand up and say [pairing here] is stupid, or less canon than another pairing, or better than another pairing? What does that get anybody? :/
But the way the fans tear each other's heads off about who-gets-with-who is just stupid. It's always stupid. Maybe I OTP A/B, but I don't give a shit if someone else OTPs A/C, A/D, or whatever strikes their fancy. You know, the ol' leave me to my devices, I'll leave you to yours? Live and let live? Et cetera?
That just seems to be too hard a concept for most of fandom to grasp. :( I wish it wasn't so.
The "Mooncrystal" series by Meghan Brunner. Good writer, good artist, but MAN did she ever have an axe to grind.
Yay for a rant about Rescue Rangers
Yeah, I bet nobody saw that one coming. :)
Also. I had no idea there was a fandom around that show. It, and Darkwing Duck=my childhood, man.
I'd offer some 'fic recs, but somehow I doubt the stories I treasured a decade ago are up to my standards and yours these days.
The only thing I know of the Rescue Rangers fandom is that there's one crazy guy who has a very strange fetish for Gadget. And uh. Do not want.
We had a little online org called Rangerphiles Against Gadget Erotica to counter him and his ilk.
Pair the spares except for the unsexy old people. Nobody engaged in flame wars over Monterey Jack, after all.
But I will admit I have seen a lot of stories that "focused" on [insert pairing here] but for some reason had like, 12 other pairings that just *HAD* to at least be mentioned also-- but they never served any purpose at all.
I have a rant gestating in the back of my brain around that one, but it's not very coherent right now.
Anyway, this was a good read.
Thanks. It felt good to get it all out on paper after so many years.
We need some of those in FE fandom right now. Just for the lulz.
No. We do not need any recitations of the entire lyrics of "Total Eclipse of the Heart," after which the heart-broken heroine totters offscreen and dies, only to be shortly revived through the Powar of Luv. We do NOT need this, Manna.
Finally, I know how to end "Through These Nights!" 8D!
I was still really young when I used to watch CNDRR and similar shows obsessively, so I'm really glad I didn't get into the fandoms/even know about it until reading this. My childhood would've been ruined forever.
But. Shippers gonna ship, what can you do? It's when they all start going batshit insane that it gets out of hand.
I died inside when I discovered that Dinosaucers fandom consisted of "herpetophiles." Like... anthromorphic dinosaur PRON. Horrible stuff.
The CNDRR people were all really G-rated as far as teh sex went, though. It might get R-rated for teh violence, but definitely not for teh sex.
I... Oh my.
(Regardless, I don't think I'm ever going to come anywhere near the CNDRR fandom.)
So 9 1/2 Chipmunks was a horrible exception rather than the norm? Phew!
Nah, the gates are open around here. Thanks for dropping by!
However, I was a big TaleSpin fan (hence my username)
Oh, cool.
yet I can't think of any really stand out stories off hand
There weren't any! I know I read "Thy Fearful Symmetry," but I can't recall it, and I never got into High Flight either. The stories I remember most were some Kit Cloudkicker ones written by people who weren't native English speakers and had hilarious spelling mistakes in the middle of tense dramatic scenes. :/
But that was such a compelling and different kind of world (for a kids' cartoon) that I am sorry so few cared to explore it.
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