Da, zabey, Mashka!!! nu znachit eto ne vash dom - naydete luchshe! Ya ponimau legko mne tut rassuzhdat' "na temu", no vse-taki ya chego-to sve bol'she ubezhdaus' - glavnoe v zhizni pomenshe nervnichat'! Nu ty zh seychas uzhe ne vernesh' svou bulku - tak chego dumat' o tom kakaya ona byla. Mozhet ona vasche cherstvaya!!!! Ne veshat' nos!
kstati, uveryau tebya, chto ot strany eto malo zavisit. Ya ne ochen' ponimayu pochemu vy vdrug reshili chto v drugoy strane bylo b po-drugomy. Ey-bogy!!!!!
prosto i ty i muzh tvoy (;-)))) odno i to zhe pro stranu tverdite, kak budto eto u vas teper' takaya semeynaya pozitsiya ;)))) Fignya vse! i my esche pogulyaem v vashem dome, uveryau tebya ;-)) o! sdelala sebe userpic ;-) a fotku?
Da net, Mashka, ya ze pryamo govoru: nikakoy "takoy" semeynoy positsii y nas naschet "strani" net. Tol'ko naschet otdel'nix lichnostey. Naprotiv, nam "strana" nravitsya. Prosto k otdel'nim aspektom mestnoy psixologii prixoditsya privikat'. No hurt feelings :)
MASH! after two weeks of having a journal you will be able to generate new code - I NEED IT BACK (it's not even mine)! (to generate code - go to "invide a friend" on your left, remember about the 2-week period )
Деньги решают вÑ?е
June 23 2003, 22:18:49 UTC
That sucks. Don't fret too much; you'll find another house, probably a better one. A place sold by people with better ethics will have been taken care of with more love, and will be the more habitable for it. The guys who snatched the pastry away from the less-than-scrupulous owner may find that the owner may have been less-than-scrupulous in other areas of the contract, too.
Besides, people who value money above everything else tend to end up with only that. Little green pieces of paper alone don't make one happy.
Comments 12
nu znachit eto ne vash dom - naydete luchshe! Ya ponimau legko mne tut rassuzhdat' "na temu", no vse-taki ya chego-to sve bol'she ubezhdaus' - glavnoe v zhizni pomenshe nervnichat'! Nu ty zh seychas uzhe ne vernesh' svou bulku - tak chego dumat' o tom kakaya ona byla. Mozhet ona vasche cherstvaya!!!!
Ne veshat' nos!
kstati, uveryau tebya, chto ot strany eto malo zavisit. Ya ne ochen' ponimayu pochemu vy vdrug reshili chto v drugoy strane bylo b po-drugomy. Ey-bogy!!!!!
Prosto xotelos' eto "viplesnut'". Ti, navernoe, ponimaesh'...
Ya yze prixozhu v sebya, potixon'ku ;)
A tak - spasibo za podderzhku.
Fignya vse!
i my esche pogulyaem v vashem dome, uveryau tebya ;-))
o! sdelala sebe userpic ;-) a fotku?
after two weeks of having a journal you will be able to generate new code - I NEED IT BACK (it's not even mine)!
(to generate code - go to "invide a friend" on your left, remember about the 2-week period )
Besides, people who value money above everything else tend to end up with only that. Little green pieces of paper alone don't make one happy.
But for now, just try not to let it get to you.
All sadness is gone by now (I guess, reading fantasy and humor books helps here :)).
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