morbidity was not the purpose of this entry

Mar 17, 2017 23:39

29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?I wish you guys could've seen my face when I read this question. You guys don't know my RL friends so even if I COULD think of anything to say in response it wouldn't mean anything out of context ( Read more... )

life: mom, fandom: memes

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Comments 6

brunettepet March 18 2017, 13:39:19 UTC
It's great your mom finally sprung for a new mattress. Her back will thank her.


batmarg March 18 2017, 14:44:29 UTC
Yeah, if you put a mattress cover on a mattress, they'll last way longer than the retailers tell you. Sometimes the covers will rip, but I'd rather replace them than a mattress.

Enjoy your weekend.


kensmind March 18 2017, 17:51:21 UTC
I hope she likes her new mattress. That was very thoughtful of you to buy her the mattress cover.


icecoldrain March 18 2017, 21:38:54 UTC
Holy snap. It sounds like she was def in need of a new mattress! Those mattress covers are the best things ever too.


ragnarok_08 March 19 2017, 02:27:10 UTC
I hope that she likes her new mattress.


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