I want to be Miss Phryne Fisher when I grow up.

Jul 05, 2016 22:05

She's fabulously sassy, in control of her choices, owns her sexuality, doesn't shy away from any confrontation and does it with class and wit. She wears the BEST clothes and don't think I haven't considered getting BANGS again because of her hair (which I know it's got to be a wig).

Witness her awesomeness )

tv shows: miss fisher's murder mysteries

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Comments 11

ragnarok_08 July 6 2016, 07:13:19 UTC
I love her so much ♥


denorios July 6 2016, 07:46:40 UTC
I spend every episode just dying over the costumes - I love Phryne's wardrobe so damn much.


scripsi July 6 2016, 09:45:37 UTC
I love her too!


author_by_night July 6 2016, 11:52:36 UTC
I need to keep reading the books. I stopped reading the first for some reason, and I'm one of those person who has trouble getting back into things if I put them down for too long. Which is a shame, because Phyrne Fisher is a badass.

I've seen some of the show. Again, she's badass. Also, apparently she's a bit of a female James Bond, which is a welcome reversal.

(I heard the show's a little different from the books, though? The first book does have things I think would be tricky showing on prime TV, but it might also be on at ten. I mean, a woman is bleeding from a botched abortion, for starters, and IIRC the description is rather graphic.)


marishna July 7 2016, 06:24:53 UTC
I didn't realize they were based on books until I started watching the show over the weekend so I can't attest to any comparisons. I doubt I'd go back now to read them, though.

The show deals with the more gory things only in passing. They're plot points but we don't actually SEE the abortions or even some of the murders.

She's TOTALLY a female James Bond, if only for the long line of men she sleeps with. She's rarely flustered and ALWAYS looks good.


snogged July 6 2016, 12:15:32 UTC

She's stunning.


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