MMoM: Day 27

May 28, 2015 01:43

And I give what you give and we go even higher than we are strong
Derek/Stiles, NC-17, 1300-ish words
The college-aged male pack members take a week of vacation at a cabin on a lake and Stiles and Derek make the best of it.

This fic has images included with it and it's written in texting format. It's semi-image heavy as they're all pretty small but be warned if you still have internet from 1998, I suppose. The images are also explicit so def NSFW.

Forgive any screwy formatting, I fubar'd the html hard on this while I was writing and copy pasta'd from AO3 in hopes it'll work right now. *crosses fingers*

Stiles: Still time to join us, if u want.

Derek:Miss a week of total silence with everyone (read: YOU) away from BH?

Stiles: Ha ha

Derek: Got work on the house planned, working out, the usual.

Stiles: Ur loss, fangface!

Derek: Thanks. Don’t get too out of control or drunk.

Stiles: Sure dad.

Stiles: Oh, come on, dont u like it when i call u daddy?

Stiles: derek?

Stiles: ur makin a face, right?

Derek: Have a good trip, Stiles.

Stiles: didn’t take isaac long to find the lake

Derek: Doesn’t seem too cold up there.

Stiles: danny didnt’ think so either

Derek: What are you swimming in?

Stiles: wouldnt u like to kno? ;)

Derek: Whatever. Be safe.

Stiles: When am i not?!

Derek: …


Derek: Just wanted to say goodnight.


Derek: Stiles?

Derek: Don’t show anyone that picture.

Derek: Your phone better not be dead.

Scott: he passed out like this

Derek: He’s okay? Everyone’s okay?

Scott: yah just tired i’ll get him to txt u

Derek: It’s okay, let him sleep.

Scott: will do!

Stiles: Since u were so nice w ur goodnite

Stiles: Sth for u to wake up to

Stiles: mtn air makes u tired or some shit

Stiles: dead to the world by 10 last nite

Derek: You probably needed it. You’ve been running yourself ragged this quarter.

Derek: Sorry, was outside doing yardwork. Made a friend

Stiles: U like my pic ;P

Derek: Very appreciated.

Stiles: Feel free to return the fav


Stiles: R those my sox?

Derek: You took at least three pairs of mine.

Stiles: WRong!

Stiles: took 4. ha!

Stiles: i do like those sexy legs

Derek: You nerd.

Stiles: sys the dude wearing fox sox

Derek: That are yours.

Stiles: wtvr. u COULD b here w us on the lake.

Stiles: isaac fnd his happy place

Derek: You’re texting me from a boat?

Derek: Enjoy your vacation!

Stiles: o, i am!

Isaac: investing in waterproof cases 4 our phones good idea

Isaac: Fell outta the boat

Isaac: proof he didnt die

Derek: Thanks for the update, Isaac.

Derek: Sounds like you’re all having fun.

Stiles: Scott tried to catch a fish by hand

Stiles: didnt end well

Derek: Isaac said everyone was okay. Sent me an interesting picture of you.

Stiles: bstrd, i knew he took that pic!

Stiles: wntd to send u this one featuring SOX

Derek: Are you all running around mostly naked out there or what?

Stiles: jelly? wish ud CUM now? hehe

Derek: Yes, I’m crushed.

Stiles: yknow the net needs a sarcasm font but w u i can FEEL it

Stiles: miss u, big bad

Stiles: dont think i could camp for real. hot running water ftw!

Derek: Yeah, I see that. But is your bed there as good as the one here?

Stiles: mm, good enuff

Derek: Goodnight, Stiles.

Stiles: O, it WILL be. U too, Derek. ;)

Stiles: Been wakin up b4 every1. Enjoying the morn.

Derek: I know what you mean. I’ve been getting up and been able to read in silence, thanks to the quiet.

Stiles: tryin the lake again, gonna wear these i think. thots?

Stiles: ;D

Derek: Remember that class I took at BHCC and I modelled for a classmate?

Stiles: ?? yeah, the photography class.

Derek: She sent me over some of the photos that didn’t make the show. Thought I’d send you a couple I liked.

Derek: Like this one. Black and white is underrated, don’t you think?

Derek: She wasn’t sure what direction she wanted to go in at first so we did some test shots.

Derek: Forgot all about them.

Boyd: You seen Derek, by any chance?

Erica: Not today, y?

Boyd: Pretty sure him & Stiles are slowly driving each other crazy from afar.

Erica: LOL, will check n get back 2 u. Love u!

Boyd: U too, babe.

Isaac: It’s been 2 days, Scott. WTF? Dont wanna smell him like this the rest of the wk!

Scott: we could be listening to them in the cabin?

Isaac: at this point id take it.

Scott: LOL

Isaac: not a joke

Scott: oh

Erica: LOLOLOLOLOL Went 2 loft n got this pic, barely heard me get in

Erica: those are STILES undies!

Isaac: how do u know those r stiles?

Scott: isaac, dude don’t ask that

Isaac: sry boyd

Boyd: It’s cool

Erica: oh come on, u dweebs. Do those LOOK like Derek’s?

Danny: Yeah, totally seen those in the locker room before

Scott: right

Stiles: nother day down. think i’ll jerk off & sleep

Derek: Funny. I was just going to finish my workout and do the same thing.

Stiles: u fucker

Derek: You started it.

Stiles: want ur mouth

Derek: Yeah? Where do you want it?

Stiles: my chst, my nipples. hld u dwn when i jerk mself

Derek: Doing it right now? Touching yourself with both hands?

Stiles: Yea, wish u were here to eat my hole

Derek: Want to be wet? Shove your fingers in yourself and pretend I’m there?

Stiles: wish u were, want u in m

Derek: I want to fuck you so badly. Want to feel you fall apart around me.

Stiles: I wld, so mch feel u i

Stiles: x afgt

Derek: ?

Derek: Stiles?

Derek: Ok over there?

Stiles: look wat u made me do

Derek: Jesus Christ

Stiles: you gonna cum for me?

Derek: Not yet.

Stiles: ??

Stiles: Scotty, dont come in here in th mornin, k?

Scott: Why?


Scott: Boyd wins the pot, he was here before morning.

Isaac: dammit

Boyd: never doubt

Danny: SO CLOSE, if only he could've waited 'til noon!

Scott: at least he sent me a pic of them w CLOTHES

Erica: damn, i say next yr this shit is coed

fic: teen wolf, fandom: communities, teen wolf: fanfic, fandom: mmom, fandom: challenges

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