
Jan 18, 2015 23:52

I'm just finishing up s1 of Supernatural on Netflix because I want to have something on that I know so I don't have to pay THAT close attention to it. I haven't watched SPN in a LONG time so I thought I'd see how far into it I could get before I give up or start hating Castiel again ( Read more... )

tv shows: supernatural, tv shows: the librarians

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Comments 6

frelling_tralk January 19 2015, 10:05:57 UTC
From what I remember, season 1 was the only finale not to use "Carry on my Wayward Son", so that song could still appear in the later seasons? But urgh I do hate when they mess with any of the original music, especially after Kripke talked about how important it was to the show


percysowner January 19 2015, 14:01:04 UTC
I read that Carry On My Wayward Son was not used in finale for season one. It was used in the second to last episode (Salvation). Then everyone realized that it really should be the theme song for the series and was used in the finale for every other season.

I recently watched the Pilot and noticed that the conversation when Dean and Sam first meet is truncated. The part where Sam says Dean could have used the telephone to contact him and Dean asks would you have picked up is not there. It goes from the fight in the dark to Sam recognizing Dean to Jess walking into the room. However they leave the line about Dean not bothering Sam for two years, which Kripke admitted was a mistake, in. It was so strange. I have DVDs for most of the seasons, but I moved and haven't unpacked them. I was prepared for the music to be missing, because I knew Netflix streaming didn't exist when Supernatural was shot, so they never got the rights for the music, but I wasn't prepared for the cut in dialog.


marishna January 20 2015, 03:47:18 UTC
The worst is that it's music that I don't think is even real music. I don't recognize any of it at all. I'm not the best with bands or song names but I can usually recognize something.


leobrat January 19 2015, 10:18:02 UTC
Replacing music on Netflix/dvd's is the fucking WORST. I just did an FNL rewatch and they change some *key* things, and I was like HOW DARE YOU.


place_to_hide January 19 2015, 18:29:30 UTC
I hate when they replace the original music. It's not the same.

I think they did that with Roswell.


saturnsdaughter January 19 2015, 18:49:57 UTC
I never realized they had to take the original music out when they put series on Netflix. There's one reason to keep buying box sets then. The music really makes the scene in some shows; Supernatural is definitely one.

We haven't watched the last three episodes of The Librarians yet, but it's been a lot of fun thus far. I hope they bring it back for another season. I'm not a fan of Eve and The Librarian either. It seemed so out of the blue when they first kissed. I would prefer everyone to remain friends and I don't really care if the main Librarian comes back much or not.


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