Title: Earning the Letter
Pairing: Stiles/Derek
Rating: PG-13
Words: 700-ish unbeta’d
Disclaimer: No claim of ownership, just playing, blah, blah, blah.
Summary: Turns out there's still such a thing as a Letterman's jacket and Beacon Hills actually gave them out.
A/N: Written for the extras challenge #3 at
mating_games. The theme was "sports night".
Turns out there's still such a thing as a Letterman's jacket and Beacon Hills actually gave them out.
Being semi-permanently benched in lacrosse meant the thought of one never crossed Stiles' mind but once he joined track it turned out he was good at it (really, really good- thank you, running from supernatural baddies four out of seven nights a week!). He led the track team to a couple match wins and they even made it to State, and made a pretty good standing there.
Enough that Stiles earned his very own Letterman's jacket and whadayaknow, it felt pretty damn awesome!
The evening he got it he wore it to the pack meeting, even though it was a few degrees too warm for it but he didn't care. He had something to show for being amazing that wasn't a hand-wrapped amulet to ward off illusion spells or the hardest page of translation from the bestiary he'd done to date.
He rushed through the loft door, out of breath and barely late but all the eyes in the room turned to him, Derek scowling enough for at least two people.
"Sorry, sorry," Stiles muttered as he took his usual seat on the floor in front of Scott and Allison on the couch.
"If we can get back to business--" Derek started, tone cold, but he was interrupted.
"Is that a Letterman's jacket, buddy?" Scott asked, excited. He leaned forward to run his hand across Stiles' shoulder. "Niiiice."
"Looking good, Stilinski," Lydia added with an eyebrow raised in approval.
"Totally,” Allison chimed in with a wink when Stiles turned around to grin at her. “I know at least a couple girls at school who love a guy in a Letterman’s jacket.”
“Really?” Stiles asked, more confused than intrigued. “That’s still a thing?”
“For some girls,” Lydia replied. “And guys.” Stiles made a curious sound in the back of his throat, perking up at that.
Derek cleared his throat loudly while shifting on his feet uncomfortably. “Can we please get back on topic now?”
“By all means, please cock block any chance I have of getting some before I graduate,” Stiles muttered under his breath, knowing full well all the ‘wolves could hear him, but he settled back in his spot dutifully.
“Tell me more about these people that Letterman jackets,” Stiles said as soon as Lydia and Allison joined their table at lunch the next day.
Scott snorted.
“What? What’s that for?”
“Nothing,” Scott replied, shaking his head. He tried to hide his face by stuffing his mouth with food but Stiles stared at him until he was done.
“Derek liked you in the jacket,” Isaac piped up as he sat down as well. “Could hear it while you were talking about people having the hots for it.”
“Huh?” Stiles asked dumbly.
“We can hear his heart.”
“And that means...?”
“He likes you, dumbass.”
“Oh. Oh.”
“Just promise me I’ll never hear any details,” Scott pleaded. Stiles didn’t say anything. “Please.”
The knock at Derek’s bedroom door surprised him because usually if Isaac went out he texted or spoke in a normal tone from somewhere in the loft.
“Come in?” Derek called, confused.
The door opened to reveal Stiles in his Letterman’s jacket, buttoned up.
Just his jacket.
“Um?” Derek swallowed.
“Isaac’s out. Made sure he was good and gone before I stripped down because as close as we all are I don’t really want to be that close.”
“What are you doing, Stiles?” Derek asked, trying to keep his eyes trained above the waist and the waver out of his voice.
“Heard it’s not just anonymous people at school who have a weakness for these things,” Stiles said as he stroked a hand down his chest.
“Yeah?” Derek asked roughly. Stiles stepped into the room and kicked the door closed, crossing the room in a blink to Derek’s side.
Derek reached his hands up to put them anywhere but Stiles stilled him with a finger.
“One rule.” Derek nodded. “No claws in the leather.”