SPN RPS: Recount our time // PG-13 // Jared./Jensen

Oct 20, 2008 07:53

Title: Recount our time

Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Words: 1600-ish, unbeta'd
Disclaimer: *does not know, means no harm, plz to not be suing*
Summary:Jared was there to greet Jensen when he stepped off the plane in July.
A/N: This is kind of the first version of this fic, but that one has porn-like stuff in it. This is the one that makes me smile and clenches at my heart, though. This is the first fic in a while that I've been excited to post and that's made me happy.

Jared was there to greet Jensen when he stepped off the plane in July.

"Hey man," Jensen greeted him as Jared enveloped him in a bear hug. He felt his feet leave the ground for a few seconds before Jared released him and put him right.

"Hey," Jared replied quietly with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. Jensen glanced at his co-star, then looked at him harder.

"How are you doing?"

Jared shrugged. "Okay."

"Right. Now how are you really doing?"

Jared smiled, a real one this time. "Been better."

"Let's go try to rectify that."


"So why'd she leave?"

"We both kinda left, really."

"But who was the one to say the words first?"

"She was."


"Damned if I know."

"One more time."

Silence from Jared as he stared down at his beer bottle in his lap, finger idly scratching over the peeled label.


"She couldn't compete, I think."

Jensen's turn to be quiet.

"The show can be hard," he finally said.

"Yeah," Jared agreed, but for another reason. "The show can be hard."

They dropped the subject then and drank the night away, guaranteeing that the next day they wouldn't clearly remember their conversation.


"I should get over to the apartment, I guess," Jensen declared first thing the next morning. His head was pounding but Jared's breakfast, one of the few things he could cook well, was worth facing the bright sunshine in the kitchen and the sound of Jared clanging around with pots and pans.

"Still a couple days before we start filming. Come grocery shopping with me. You need stuff too anyway, right?"

Jensen shrugged. "Guess so."

And that was that.


"I told the studio that I'm going to start driving myself now. It's just too hard to arrange to get the dogs to and from set so I'm going to take my truck," Jared announced as he and Jensen were wandering up and down the aisles of the local Superstore.

"You're gonna leave me alone with Vern?" Jensen asked, laughing while he groaned. Vern was their usual driver who tended to get chatty too early in the morning.

"Don't have to. Save the network some money, carpool with me," Jared suggested.

"And then I have to take the dogs with me to work some days."

"No worse than carting Rosenbaum around when he's drunk," Jared pointed out.

"True. Fine, set it up. You're gonna have to call and remind me on my mornings."

"Will do." Jensen grabbed a box of Corn Pops and added it to the cart next to Jared's Vector cereal. Jared rolled his eyes but for once didn't say anything about it.


"My apartment smells like moldy socks."


"There's a leak somewhere."

"Call the super, grab your stuff and stay over here. Mold isn't healthy for you."

"Yes, dear."

Neither of them commented on that.


"Got everything you need?" Jared asked, stopping by the guest room after his shower. He was rubbing a towel over his head and he was wearing just a pair of long sweat pants. Jensen was digging through his suitcase, trying to find something to lay out for their first day on set. He tried not to stop what he was doing to look over at Jared too hard.

"Yeah, I think so. I can find my way around if I don't."

"I know," Jared replied simply. "Night." He walked down the hall and Jensen heard his bedroom door close softly.

"Night," Jensen replied quietly.

The house was eerily quiet, especially for being Jared's house. Jensen thought that if he concentrated closely enough he could hear the sound of the dog's nails clicking on the hardwood downstairs as they paced before settling down for the night.

Jared didn't watch TV before he went to sleep so Jensen could hear the muffled sounds of Jared gathering his own things for the next morning and then, finally, crawling into bed. Jensen waited until he was sure Jared was settled into bed and escaped to the bathroom to get ready for sleep on his own.


"We got a call from your super, Jensen," one of the producers said the next day after their first table read for the premiere script. "He said they can get someone in there to look after your apartment by the end of the week. Want me to get someone to set up a hotel for you?"

Jensen looked over at Jared who was scouting out the craft services table, flirting and laughing it up with the ladies who ran it, and shook his head. "I'm good where I am, thanks."

The producer nodded. "Okay. Let me know if you need anything else."

"Will do."


"We should get some beer," Jensen suggested a few nights later. Filming had started but they were on days this week and getting home at semi-decent hours, for which Jensen was grateful and cherished. Once they got into the night shifts and were a month into the swing of things he knew he would miss these shorter days.

"I have beer."

"I mean good beer."



Jared stopped for him and Jensen got his 'good' beer. When they got back to Jared's place he started the barbecue and cooked a couple steaks just the way they both liked them. Jensen made the vegetables and they sat down outside on the small deck that served Jared's needs nicely with the dogs at their feet and enjoyed the shorter, dying light of the day.

A couple beers and a full belly each later they made their way slowly up the stairs to get ready for bed. Jared stopped Jensen in the hall with a hand on his arm and held it for a moment longer than necessary.

"I like having you here, Jen," he said slowly, but not in a slurred tone. Jensen smiled back easily.

"Thanks, Jay." Jared took a step toward Jensen, paused and let him go as he stepped back again. He nodded and moved to his room.

"Night, Jen."

"Night," Jensen called back this time, loud enough for Jared to hear him.


"The apartment's done," Jensen announced a couple days later as he flipped his cell shut.

They were sitting at a table during lunch break, in head-to-toe Sam and Dean gear, down to the fake blood and wounds everywhere.

"Cool," Jared said.

"I'll get out of your hair after work tonight," Jensen continued.

"Don't bother. Might as well wait until the weekend. You don't want to move your stuff over in the middle of the night once we're done here. Wait until Saturday and I can help you out."

Jensen nodded as his chest tightened a little. "Sounds good. Thanks man. For everything."

Jared shrugged. "Sure. What are friends for?"


"Down, Sadie," Jensen grumbled as he walked down the stairs with his suitcases. Jared was following him with another one, all packed up from his short stay with Jared.

"She knows something's going on," Jared explained. "She doesn't like it when people leave. Makes her think she's going to be left alone."

"She still has you."

"But she really likes you."

"I don't know how well she'll like me once she's all cramped in my car on Monday morning."

"Yeah," Jared said softly. "We should get going before she starts whining."

"Yeah," Jensen agreed. They loaded the suitcases into Jensen's car, then Jared waited while Jensen got in.

"So I'll see you on Monday, then?"

"Sure. Call me when you get up and make sure I'm conscious, yeah?" Jensen asked, poking his head out the window. Jared leaned over and propped his arms up in the window, so his face was right next to Jensen's. Jensen didn't lean back and felt Jared's breath on his cheek.

"I can do that," Jared said, his words floating right into Jensen's ear.

"Okay," Jensen replied. Neither of them moved.


"Yeah?" Jared leaned in those last couple inches and brushed his lips across Jensen's.

"See you Monday." He straightened up and stepped back from the car. Jensen somehow managed to get the key into the ignition with his numb fingers and drove away from Jared's house, watching Jared get smaller in his rear view mirror.


Jared was jarred out of sleep by the sound of the dogs barking like crazy downstairs. He heard the doorbell ring and stumbled out of bed. He pulled on a pair of sweat pants and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he caught sight of the time on his bedside clock. 5:47am. Too early, even for him, on a Sunday morning.

The doorbell rang again before he made it down the stairs and to the door. He didn't bother looking before he opened it, pushing the dogs back with his leg gently as he did. He looked up and his heart thumped hard in his chest.

"Little early, isn't it?" he asked, voice raspy.

"Something's wrong with my apartment," Jensen said and gestured to his suitcases, the same ones they'd put in his car the day before. "Think I could bunk here?"

"For how long?"

"Don't know this time."

"My door is always open to you."

"Thanks," Jensen said softly. They brought the suitcases inside and left them by the door for the dogs to sniff and examine. Jensen followed Jared up the stairs. When they got to the bedrooms Jared grabbed Jensen's hand and drew him away from the spare room, toward his bedroom.

"All my doors are open."

He pulled Jensen in with him and closed the door behind them.

supernatural: rps, supernatural: fiction, my fiction

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