FIC: (SPN) Our hair grows after death // R // Sam/Ruby || (VM) bones floating in the sound // pg-13

Aug 31, 2008 23:50

If only I could have had this stuff up a little earlier it could have maybe counted toward my vitamin_fic for August. I'm so behind with that comm it's sad.

BUT. I'm hoping to break myself out of this rut I've been in for MONTHS if only to write something that doesn't complete anything every day. I'm attempting autumnwrite from Sept 1 to Dec 21. The goal is to write 150,000 words. Crazy? You betcha. But they do things, from what I understand, to get you to write more and get your word count up. While I have some non-fandom things I'd like to write I'm hesitant to start them right now just in case I end up breaking them like everything else feels like it has recently with my writing, but we'll see.

These are things that I've written here and there in the past month. I still have the longer SPN fic to type up but I don't know when I'll do that. Maybe tomorrow. We'll see.

Title: Our hair grows after death
Pairing: Sam/Ruby
Rating: R
Words: 370 words, unbeta'd
Disclaimer: If I owned it I'd never share it. I'm greedy that way.
Summary: He bought into her hook, line and sinker.
A/N: This was written for oxoniensis's Porn Battle IV. I wanted to write more while it was going on but the timing just didn't work out right. I still have prompts, though, so I might take a stab at doing more.

He should have listened to Dean about her. Somehow she knew just the right buttons to push and ways to drag him down to her level. After Dean was gone there was no one to harangue him to leave her alone, to see her for what she really was. He bought into her hook, line and sinker.

She got under his skin, drove him further around the bend he was already careening around. Every thought of Dean was shoved deep down by the scrape of her nails across his back. Every time he heard Dean's voice yelling at him that she was a dirty demon whore he would kiss her harder. Every moment he was trying to forget that Dean was gone and he was coming to the end of threads to bring him back he would fuck her harder, faster, until she was screaming out at him. The words blended together so he couldn't distinguish one from the other until he finally came and slumped against her, breathing heavily into her neck.

Sometimes she'd smack him and swear, other times she'd hold him lightly until he pulled away. They rarely talked until the next time they battled, screaming at each other before one of them grabbed at the other to pull them flush against their body. She never said no, she never complained and he never asked either way. She said she was trying to help him and maybe she was, dangling that elusive damned carrot of pulling Dean from hell, but all he could feel was the darkness that grabbed at his heels and his willingness to let it drag him away.

When it was over and he'd shoved her away, sometimes pushing her right out the door before she could get her clothes back on right, he would sink into one of those old, frail chairs in the cookie cutter motel rooms he refused to give up, and he'd try to stop his hands from shaking.

He wished he could forget it all immediately after but those damned strands of long blonde hair twined around his fingers only served as a reminder that it would happen again and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Title: bones floating in the sound
Characters: Veronica mainly, gen
Rating: PG-13
Words: 702 words, unbeta'd
Disclaimer: If I owned it I'd never share it. I'm greedy that way.
Summary: If there's one thing Veronica Mars was good at, it was secrets.
A/N: I wrote this for one of entwashian's requests ( Please don't look at her original comment there until after you read this so as not to surprise this) at pheebs1 and oxoniensis's Fandom Free for All, which has been SO much fun. I urge you all to go check it out whenever you can. You can request until October 29th! And you can fill requests as long as you want but that's the deadline to make the masterlist they're putting together of everything. Seriously, guys, this thing has been awesome. People are requesting EVERYTHING. Icons, fic, vids, art, you name it. Even recs!

I don't know if I got Veronica right or if this fic even makes sense but I'm just happy I managed to write something for the original request. I kept going back to that one request and it wormed its way into my brain. So here it is!

If there's one thing Veronica Mars was good at, it was secrets. Her short stint immersed in the criminal element while working for her father made her an expert at knowing when to keep her eyes and ears open and her mouth shut.

Years of experience keeping secrets of all sorts prepared her to keep the ultimate one about herself. To do so she finally followed through with her pledge to leave Neptune. Her dad visited every couple months or so and she had a couple friends thought work, doing digital art for local clients and national businesses freelance. The job let her make her own hours and provided her with lots of time and space, along with the opportunity to work exclusively from home.

Mac made it to New York and was working for a high tech security company. Logan fled Neptune, as well, making it to Chicago where he worked at an ad agency, pitching cheap, disgusting tasting beer to college aged students--and he was succeeding at it. Dick was still couch surfing and spending his inheritance; hooker by hooker, blow by blow.

People from her past often floated through Veronica's mind when she went out at night. She let the rich scent of the cool, moonlit nights wash over her and instinct took control.

The ground was soft and gave to her a little as she walked, the result of a heavy rain earlier in the day. The scent of the moisture hung heavy in the air and filled Veronica's senses. It would be harder to notice anything big with such a distraction.

Her hearing was still perfect, though, so she would have to rely on that. She crouched down low to the ground and listened for the sound of footprints, the rustle of leaves, branches breaking.

Nights like this reminded her of trips on Weevil's motorcycle. The only one of her former constants that Veronica didn't know the whereabouts of. His grandmother passed on so once his probation was up he, too, left Neptune for destinations unknown.

There. A crack. Footfalls, light and steady.

veronica stayed where she was but readied herself, got down lower and stuck her hind end into the air. The noises got closer, closer still. She would get it tonight.

The sounds came nearer and with them a new scent to cover the thick rain smell. She was distracted by the footsteps coming loser but her mind raced because the new scent was familiar to her.

Her body tensed, legs twitching, and then she sprung.

She jumped from her hiding place, from under some brush, ignoring the way the new smell surrounded her, invaded her.

Her prey, her hunt, stepped into her path and Veronica finally saw it--him.

She let out a yelp, mid-air, and twisted her body. The person shuddered and lifted an arm as if to ward her off. Both of them together weren't able to keep her attack at bay, Her teeth grazed his arm--not deep but possibly enough to require stitches.

Veronica landed sideways in some bushes on the other side of her hiding place and instantly arched her back.

Pain shot through her body as she convulsed on the forest floor. She looked down at herself as it happened and watched the transformation. Her back paws faded into feet, the front ones into hands. Her nose and mouth felt almost foreign as they sank back into her head, normal again. Her light blonde fur slowly disappeared, leaving her shivering and naked on the ground.

For a few seconds she forgot what had just happened but then a twig snapped as the person she'd nearly killed moved and she shot upright into a crouch.

Slowly, slowly she rose up to her feet and looked at the man still standing in the middle of the forest alone, bleeding from his forearm.

Veronica had always been good at keeping secrets. But sometimes some secrets just came out on their own. Veronica could only hope that when they did it was for a reason.


She squinted a bit, unable to see as clearly as she could when she was transformed, and felt her heart speed up, unnaturally fast.

She swallowed hard. "Weevil?"

fiction: supernatural, supernatural: het, fiction: veronica mars, supernatural: fiction

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