SPN RPS: I can make you sway // Jared/Sandy, Jared/Jensen // NC-17

Oct 22, 2007 22:35

First--everyone needs to sign up for:

spn_holidays and spn_apocasmut

The last day for signups for spn_holidays is November 5th, so you still have a little time, but don't wait much longer! And the prompt post for spn_apocasmut closes on WEDNESDAY so make sure you get your prompts in here! Even if you don't like to WRITE the apocalypse fic, you can still submit prompts for it, if you like reading it. And it's not all doom and gloom--there's smut! It says so in the title!

And now, fic.

Title: I can make you sway

Pairing: Jared/Sandy, Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Words: 1621, beta'd by the wonderful onefishjyuufish
Disclaimer: *does not know, means no harm, plz to not be suing*
Summary:Some nights... some nights Jared comes home--or he did more often before Jensen--and he crawls into bed with her and puts those hands of his, those fucking huge hands with the redredred knuckles, all over her body.
A/N: One of these days I'm going to put up a challenge at spn_fanmix where people write a fic for every track on an album. I've wanted to do the new Maroon 5 album FOREVER so I guess I started a little early. This is also the first het that I've written since Buffy fandom so... yeah.

If anyone's interested in the song that inspired this:
Maroon 5- If I Never See Your Face

If there's one thing Sandy's learned since being in show business, it's that relationships of convenience aren't always just about putting on a show. Being with Jared has been... well, it's been a blast. They have a lot of fun together. She adores him, really, and she probably always will.

But the sudden crushing realization each and every time she realizes that it is just a relationship of convenience is kind of starting to get to her, just a little. Some mornings she'll wake up and get confused, because the ceiling looks a different and all of a sudden she remembers she's in her own bed, not Jared's.

See, things were working well for the most part. They "met" on the set of Cry_Wolf and the proposal was made--Sandy would pose as Jared's girlfriend and she'd get a little exposure. Not a whole lot, because Jared's not like Tom Cruise, but enough for her because Tom Cruise is fucking crazy and Katie Holmes can have him and their freaky alien baby.

Things rolled along smoothly in the months after Cry_wolf. Jared's a better actor than people give him credit for, it seems, because they have everyone convinced that they are a living, breathing, real life couple and that's always thrilled Sandy to the core.

But then there was Supernatural, eight or nine months of the year in Vancouver, and one Jensen Ackles. Sandy tagged along with Jared and Jensen to dinner one night while they were shooting the pilot, and immediately she knew it was all going to go downhill when she met Jensen. She knew then that her role as the girlfriend was going to get way tougher and put to the test.

It seems that Jared's not 100% gay. If he was, maybe he would come out and be happy with it. But being bisexual is still rather taboo, even in Hollywood, even anywhere, really. So Sandy sticks around with her shiny hair and brilliantly white teeth and teeny frame next to Jared who's fucking gargantuan. And she enjoys it.

Some nights... some nights Jared comes home--or he did more often before Jensen--and he crawls into bed with her and puts those hands of his, those fucking huge hands with the redredred knuckles, all over her body. He parts her legs and licks a path up her thighs, followed by a finger that buries inside her until her eyes are rolling back in her head and Jared's snickering at her.

"Had a long day," he whispers sometimes, husky and rough in her ear as his thumb circles her clit. He's usually pushing his cock against her hip insistently until she comes and then she reaches a shaky hand to his belt buckle and pushes his pants down with her tiny feet. There's always a condom involved because although they play house, they don't play it that well.

"I'll make it better," Sandy whispers back and cups his cheek tenderly for the brief moment he allows it.

Jared's shirt ends up on the floor and her nightie is pushed up over her breasts so Jared can palm damn near both of them in one hand, licking and sucking the nipples as his other hand finds her clit again. Sandy usually moans and bucks up against him, strung out from the first orgasm and just short of begging for the second. Then Jared pushes forward and Sandy's gasping and clutching at Jared's back, careful not to leave nail marks in his skin though sometimes she slips. He's just so damn big that even if they did it every night for a week she'd have to force him to wait and let her adjust to him.

He mouths words into the skin of her neck as his hips snap back and forth, sometimes so hard it's like a punishment, but never slow and gentle because, again, they don't play house like that.

Sandy lifts her hips to meet every thrust and growls against his lips when he actually kisses her. Jared likes that, she knows, sometimes wonders if Jensen knows that too but then pushes the thought out of her mind and her legs further apart.

When it's over and the condom's been flung into the garbage can, Sandy sometimes risks cuddling into Jared's side as they catch their breath. Most of the time Jared's up and running around moments after they finish, asking if she wants pancakes or to walk the dogs with him or some shit, but every once in a while he'll stay in bed long enough for her to play pretend a little longer.

The fact that Jared keeps coming back to her is a triumph in her mind, even if he doesn't come to her as often as he once did. She can still make him hot on the right night when she sways her hips a certain way and flashes him a pursed-lip smile, offering what he's been missing up in Canada--a soft body, curves in all the right places, supple flesh.

She makes a point of reminding Jared what she can offer him that he's not getting in Vancouver with Jensen. She figures she must be doing something right.

The kicker is that Jensen's awesome. Sandy really likes him and thinks he's funny and charming and hot and, really, he's a perfect match for Jared. They balance each other out well and she's happy to know that he has someone up there to look out for him when she can't. When she isn't allowed to, mostly.

They're hot together too, and if Sandy wasn't just a little bitter over being knocked to second string she'd probably get off on them. More than she already does, that is; an accidental peep show later and Sandy's seen it all in vivid detail.

Sandy made sure Jared wasn't coming home for the weekend. She needed to know so if he was she could go out and stock up on Jared's favourite beer, pancake mix, condoms... But he assured her that no, he was staying in Vancouver for the weekend because Jensen wants to see a hockey game or something. Sandy made plans with the girls and kept her phone on vibrate in her pocket just in case he called.

So when she stumbles home to Jared's dark apartment at three in the morning, she can't understand at first why she nearly trips over a pair of sneakers in the hallway. A slow smile spreads across her face as her body temperature rises in anticipation. She drops her purse on the floor and strips her shirt off in a smooth motion as she makes a determined beeline for Jared's room.

The door is open and there are noises coming from inside the room so she figures he's fallen asleep with the TV on. Just as well because it's more fun to wake someone up with a blow job than anything else.

But when she gets to the doorway she freezes, because she can clearly see, even in the dark, that Jared isin bed but certainly not alone, certainly not sleeping. Jensen is the one lying in the bed, legs spread, in her spot. His arms are around Jared's neck, pulling him down and close so they can kiss sloppily as Jared thrusts slowly into Jensen.

"Gonna fuck you from behind next," Jared groans as Jensen trails a hand to his chest, and she imagines Jared's nipple being tugged and pulled between Jensen's fingers. Sandy leans against the door frame unsteadily.

"Not if I fuck you first," Jensen replies, voice shaky as he arches up and groans. Sandy feels jealousy zing through her at the thought of Jensen being able to do that--to claim Jared--in a way she never can.

"Wrestle you for it." Jared grins. Jensen laughs and wraps his arms around Jared's neck tighter. One of Jared's hands disappears between them and Sandy watches the muscles in Jared's back jerk and flex as he tugs on Jensen's cock.

"Do more than wrestle," Jensen tries to promise but his voice trails off in a strangled moan as Jared snaps his hips a bit harder. "Fuck yes, Jared."

"Yeah, like that? Just like that? Fuck, you're hot," Jared rasps out as his thrusts get more shallow. Sandy bites her lips and shifts, her panties wet and rubbing against her. Sandy watches and listens as their bodies move together erratically and their breathing gets harsh and heavy. She rubs herself through her short skirt impatiently and keeps her eyes glued to their sweaty bodies, moving together in ways she has to admit she'll never achieve with Jared.

"Jen, Jen," Jared pants as his hand falters on Jensen's cock. Jensen knocks it away and picks up where Jared left off, finishing himself off while Jared half collapses on top of him, still twitching. Sandy turns away then, not wanting to see the loving aftermath because she was sure it would be and that was too close to the role she was playing with Jared.

After leaving silently she hides in the stairwell that she knows will be empty at this late hour and gets herself off with the image of Jared's cock driving into Jensen's ass and feels a little guilty after. She feels a little guilty for about two weeks after, to be exact, but then Jared comes back to L.A. for the weekend and actually tells her this time.

And that first night Jared comes to her in his bed and gets her off with his fingers before burying himself in her, she welcomes him with open arms and parted thighs: she can live with the knowledge that she plays house just a little differently than Jensen.


In conclusion, Dumbledore is ghey.

supernatural: rps, supernatural: fiction, my fiction

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