SPN RPS: as a child of twenty-five // pg-13 // Jared/Jensen

Jul 20, 2007 03:03

I've taken almost all of my communities off my default until I finish HP7, everything that has open posting for anyone who only has to join to do so. I've kept the comms that are run by one or two people or that has moderated posting but it would be such a shame to be spoiled right now with less than 24 hours left before I get my book. Once I get my book at midnight I'm not sleeping until I finish reading and avoiding tv/internet/etc. If something comes up text me (can text through the link in my profile).

lemmealone has informed her flist that food_porn now has big spoilers posted there, so be wary when checking out random communities or even ones you think might be safe. If it has open posting it's open to attack.

Title: as a child of twenty-five

Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Words: 2100-ish, unbeta'd
Disclaimer: *does not know, means no harm, plz to not be suing*
Summary:Apparently the party was for some fucker named Jared.
A/N: I didn't intend to write anything tonight but this kind of attacked me about an hour ago. Nothing like Jared's birthday to spawn rabid plotbunnies.

Apparently the party was for some fucker named Jared.

Jensen was handing out beers and shoving trays of dirty glasses through the window to the kitchen to be run through the dishwasher as fast as he could move and it still wasn't enough. Mike'd fucked off somewhere with some pretty little girl to the bathroom or the office or the back alley-- wherever was most convenient at the moment-- leaving Jensen all alone to man the bar while the waitresses were flat out serving drinks and deep-fried finger foods. It was fucking hot with the added bodies and he hadn't had time to take a break in three hours so he was getting cranky and a headache was coming on from the noise and heat.

Sure, it was great for their bottom line at the end of the month but right now all Jensen wanted to do was shove his dishtowel down the next drunk, drooling guy yelling for a beer and go the fuck home. Only two more hours, he kept in mind. Two more hours.

From what he could gather it was a birthday party that had invaded the small bar. They didn't have nearly enough staff on hand to cover the thirty or so guys and a few stray girls who were hanging off the arms off whoever they could attach themselves to because no one had called for forewarn them that there'd be what looked like an entire chapter of a frat descending on them that night.

They all showed up around ten and between the lot of them they'd gone through enough beer that Jensen would have to call the owner in the morning to order more beer if they wanted to survive the weekend rush. Shit like this just wasn't on.

"Better clean up in tips," Jensen muttered to himself as he popped the tops on two more beers and exchanged them across the bar for a bill.

All in all it really wasn't that different from any normal Friday or Saturday night except that it was a Thursday and tonight was technically supposed to be Jensen's night off. He'd already worked eight in a row and this would make nine and by the end of the weekend it would be thirteen and goddamn he was getting too old to be doing this shit. Normally he loved working behind the bar, chatting with the regular, non-obnoxious, calm and easy quiet drunks he was used to.

"Ackles," Mike called out lazily, ducking under the bar with an easy, self-satisfied grin. Jensen turned around and bit back a grin despite himself as he caught sight of the girl Mike had disappeared with, sitting at the end of the bar with her own shy smile and a faint flush across her cheeks and chest.

"You actually going to do some work tonight?" Jensen asked, tossing him a dishtowel.

"Ah, now don't be like that. You know you would have done the same if you were in my position," Mike chided him. Jensen looked over Mike's shoulder again at the girl and shook his head.

"No, I really wouldn't have."

Mike rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean. What about one of them?" He jerked his head in the direction of the group crowded around a few of the back tables where the party had set up.

"I don't think so," Jensen said.

"Not even one of them? What about the birthday boy?"

"Don't know which one he is."

"He's probably passed out in the corner or something, the way they've been buying rounds for everyone. Probably some poor bastard just turned twenty-one or some shit, out for his first big night."

"Yeah, well if anyone pukes you get to clean it up," Jensen told him, pulling his dishtowel from his pants and throwing it on the bar. "I'm going for a smoke."

"Take a pass by the tables, see if you can pick out which one this par-tay is for." Mike grinned at him and shoved him in the shoulder as he walked by.

"If you're so interested in getting in his pants why don't you find out," Jensen threw back.

"Nah, already been in someone else's tonight. Gotta leave some for you."

"Ass." Jensen finally smiled.

"Never one better," Mike called, slapping himself on his backside as Jensen ducked under the bar with a chuckle and headed to the emergency exit. He did have to pass all the tables to get there and he couldn't help but look around as he worked his was through all the bodies, trying to find some guy who looked like he might have been the subject of attention for the evening.

"Probably him in the corner," Jensen muttered to himself when he saw one of the guys looking woozy with a wobbly grin on his face as he tried to put the moves on one of the girls at the table who didn't look any older than eight teen . He pushed the door open and kicked a rock in it so it wouldn't close all the way as he grabbed his slightly flattened pack of cigarettes from his back pocket. He leaned up against the wall with a sigh, lit one and tipped his head back against the warm brick of the building, listening to the distant sounds of sirens and the music from inside. Best part of the night, this was. When he opened his eyes again to take a drag his gaze fell on someone sitting across the alley and he started slightly, biting back a curse.

"Scare you?" the guy asked, not moving from where he was sitting, a slight breeze ruffling his unruly dark hair. He was holding something, a bottle, and turning it over and over in his hands, drawing Jensen's eyes to his long fingers.

"No worse than the usual people I meet randomly sitting in dark alleys by themselves." Jensen shrugged.

"Damn. Thought I was being original." Jensen chuckled and watched the guy watching him as he took another drag. "You work here." A statement, not a question.


"How's that working out for you?"

Jensen shrugged. "Could be worse."

"Could be better?"

"Could always be better."

"And tonight?"

"Definitely under the 'could be better' heading."

"That bad, huh?" the guy asked.

"S'not, really. Just unexpected."

"Sorry about that."

"You part of the party?"

"You could say that. It's kind of for me."

Jensen raised an eyebrow. "You're hiding from your own party?"

"Aren't you hiding from it?"

"No, I'm on a break. You're sitting in a dark alley like a homeless person on-- you're sitting on some old carpet on paint cans," Jensen laughed as he looked closely.

"Sure am," the guy--Jared, Jensen supposed he would be then-- grinned at him and Jensen could see it bright and wide even in the darkness. He finished his smoke and threw it to the ground, stamping it out with the toe of his boot.

"Any particular reason why you're hiding out here and not indulging yourself in the hundreds worth of booze your friends've gone through tonight?"

Jared shrugged. "Not really a partying kinda guy. They don't even notice I'm gone so might as well let them have all the fun anyway."

"What would you be doing for fun on your birthday, then?"

"This isn't so bad."

"Again, you're sitting in the middle of an alley like a homeless person. You've got to get out more if you think this is fun."

"Talking with you is fun."

Jensen blinked and then shook his head. "You're drunk."

"Really not." Jared stood up then and started moving across the alley toward Jensen. "Why do you think I am?"

"This is weird."

"Yeah, kinda. But I bet you think this is more fun than being in there, too."

"Maybe." Jared walked in close to Jensen and then leaned against the wall beside him, close enough for their arms to brush. "Probably more fun."

"Told you." Jensen looked up at Jared as he grinned again and Jensen's stomach flipped a little. He had to actually look up to Jared and he felt dwarfed beside him even though he was 6'1 himself.

"So what would you do for you birthday if you had the choice?" Jensen asked again. Jared shrugged again and Jensen could feel the movement of his arm against his own, the warmth of his skin pressing into him.

"Go to the beach with my dogs, play some video games, go to dinner? Hang out with my friends."

"Like you're supposed to be doing right now?"

"I think I know three of the people in there right now. They're all people my friend Chad invited to try and set me up. He's probably passed out under the table by now, though," Jared told him, echoing Jensen's thought from earlier. "He means well but... it doesn't always work out."

"Not many girls there to choose from," Jensen commented, pressing his arm against Jared's lightly. Jared turned his head to look down at him as he pressed back and Jensen's stomach flipped again.

"Lots of guys, though."

"Noticed that." Jensen nodded. "So why are you out here again?"

"Why are you still?"

Jensen shifted on the wall and angled himself so he was facing Jared. "How old are you now?"

"Old enough," Jared replied softly, also turning toward Jensen.

"Yeah," Jensen murmured and he wrapped his hand around Jared's upper arm as Jared leaned down and kissed him easily. Jared rested his hand on Jensen's waist and his fingers flexed against his side, pulling him closer when Jensen opened his mouth and leaned up into him. Jensen moved his hand up Jared's arm, dragging his fingers across the stubble on Jared's cheek to twist into his hair, pulling his head down closer. Jared smiled against Jensen's mouth and pressed him back against the brick so Jensen could feel the heat through his thin t-shirt. Jensen felt hot all over from the wall at his back to Jared's fingers wrapped around his waist and his breath whispering against his cheek and lips and then Jared's thighs against his, hard and crowding him in, holding him up.

Jared started to pull back with a question in his eyes and his hands pulling at Jensen's shirt but the door opened suddenly and one of the waitresses stuck her head out to find Jensen. She didn't even blink as Jared stepped away and Jensen's straightened up, as if finding the bartender in a clinch in the alley was an every day thing--and really, with Mike around it probably was.

"Jensen, we need you inside. Some guy from that party needs to get out before he blows chunks and Mike's losing control of the bar," she said in a rush before hurrying back inside.

"Can't leave him alone for five fucking minutes," Jensen muttered to himself. Jared followed as he headed for the door and gave him an apologetic smile as Jensen looked back at him.

"That guy is probably Chad. I'd better take him," Jared explained and Jensen nodded, continuing inside. Jared caught up with him and Jensen felt his hand brush against his before they reached the bar, like an apology or a promise but Jensen wasn't sure which.

Sure enough, it was Chad and Jared hoisted him up with one arm slung around his shoulders while Jensen grabbed the other. They hauled Chad outside together and hailed a cab easily, loading the mumbling, half passed-out drunk in before Jared ducked in after him. Jensen moved to close the door after him but Jared stopped and grabbed Jensen's hand quickly.

"Maybe I'll see you around?" he asked.

Jensen gave him a small smile. "Maybe." He closed the door carefully and stepped back from the curb. Before the cab could pull away though, he called out, "Hey Jared?"

"Yeah?" Jared stuck his head out the rolled down window.

"Happy birthday."

Jared laughed and grinned at him and damn if Jensen didn't watch as the cab pulled away and drove down the street, until he couldn't see it anymore.

Last week I posted some icons that I didn't crosspost here, I don't think. I'm not sure I crossposted them at all, actually.

See the rest here at momentofglee

supernatural: rps, supernatural: fiction

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