SPN RPS: Laugh, I Nearly Died

Feb 05, 2007 16:33

Title: Laugh, I Nearly Died

Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Chad Michael Murray
Rating: R
Words: 2650-ish, beta'd by jyuu_chan
Disclaimer: I'm only playing in someone else's sandbox, thanks.
Summary:No, really. Think about it. Do you really expect Jared to be stupid enough to kill himself and Jensen along with Chad, if he was only aiming for Chad? Of course not. But he was sort of distracted by Jensen's mouth in his lap...
A/N: I... have no words. I have no idea what to say that could possibly explain how this came about or why or anything, really. But I kind of heart it, in a way. Like the bastard red-headed step-child I'll never have. *cuddles it*

Yes, it IS a death!fic, written for my own challenge. But TRUST ME when I say if you're death!fic phobic you can read this and not hate me. Unless you're a One Tree Hill fangirl. Please don't hurt me. *hides behind Fcuk Chat*

Also, I posted a CRAPLOAD of porn here, "but a dollar says he'll lick that Devil". Check it out! Comments are love!

"I can feel the earth, vibrating all around us."

"Are you fucking stoned?"

A pause.

"No. Well, maybe. I don't know exactly. I was before the... before... you know."

"If you're high when you bite it are you perpetually stoned?"

"Fuck man, I never thought of that!"

"Jared! Don't encourage him!"

"Think about it, it might be true!"

"I refuse to think about it. I refuse to spend anymore time on that."

"Hey! Quit being so mean. You two have to get along. We're together for eternity now."

"Oh, hell no! There's no way I'm spending my afterlife with Chad fucking Michael Murray."

"What about me, Jen?"

"What about you Jared?"

"Don't you want to spend your afterlife with me?"

Jensen desperately wanted to facepalm. If, you know, he had a hand and a head. Or any part of a body at all. Right now he was just a ... a what? A floating thought bubble? And of all the people he had to float beside- Chad Michael Murray.

"Hey, what are we even doing ... here? Is there a here?"

"Shut up, Murray."

"No, seriously. Shouldn't we be on a cloud or something? Or feeling the burn."

A guffaw that was met by stony silence and the distinct feeling of eyes being rolled.

"I doubt you'd feel the difference, Murray. What with the various burning sensations I'm sure you feel every day."


"C'mon, that one was too easy. Admit it, Jared."

"He's got you there, Chad."

"Fine, whatever. The questions still remain of where the hell are we, why are we here and... how in the hell did this happen?"

Were there uncomfortable silences in floaty-thought-bubble world? Cause this sure as hell- er, heaven- um. Whatever- felt like it.


"In my defence, it was a really great blow job."

"Jared? Are you seriously telling me I'm up here with you two fuckheads because you were getting your dick sucked?!"


"Pretty much."

"I hate you both. How did- no, I don't want to know."

"No, it really wasn't like that!"


Except, you know, it really was. Not that Jared meant to hit Chad. It just sort of happened. Really.

No, really. Think about it. Do you really expect Jared to be stupid enough to kill himself and Jensen along with Chad, if he was only aiming for Chad? Of course not. But he was sort of distracted by Jensen's mouth in his lap, sucking his cock, as Jensen's mouth is often wont to be.

They were coming home from a movie and dinner. Just a regular night, for once, the two of them alone after an honest-to-god normal day of shooting which only happened once every never. Which probably should have been the first indication that there was something wrong. the movie was great, the food was great, no one bugged them and everything was peachy. Except for the phone call from Chad.

He'd called in the middle of dinner, practically yelling into Jared's ear. Jensen had frowned at him across the table, able to hear what Chad was saying. Something about visiting and why the hell didn't Jared pick him up at the airport. Jared apologised and said he'd be right there, a pleading look in his eyes at Jensen.

"I'm sorry. I remember him saying something about maybe coming but I didn't realize he was coming for sure. Jen, I'm sorry to ruin our night."

"Hey," Jensen reached across the table to cover Jared's hand briefly. "It's fine. We'll go pick the douche up, drop him off at your place and then go back to mine. We can still have our night." Jared flashed him a grin and knew that Chad was going to flip out over the plan but come on. If you were fucking Jensen Ackles would you want to stay home and sit around your apartment watching Chad Michael Murray get stoned for three hours before passing out on the couch? Yeah, didn't think so. Chad was good at making his own fun, anyway.

So yeah. Jared and Jensen were going to go pick Chad up right away. They really were. They had their hand up for the cheque and everything. But then the desert menu came and Jared was never able to resist a piece of Oreo deluxe cheesecake. Jensen considered offering to get it to go but eh, Murray'd already been waiting a couple hours, what was an extra twenty minutes? Jensen loved watching Jared savour each bite of the desert and licked his lips every time Jared slid his mouth over the tines of the fork slowly.

Finally he couldn't take it anymore and leaned across the table to whisper, "We're going to wrap up the rest of this cake, go pick up Murray and then go home and you're going to eat the rest of that off my cock."

Jared's eyes widened and he signaled the waiter quickly. "Can we get another three pieces of this to go?"

So off they went to the airport to pick up Murray finally. There were three pieces of the best cheesecake around in the backseat, Jensen was going to get his cock sucked and Jared was making excellent time. Jensen stared across the car at Jared, waiting for him to notice. Jared glanced at him a couple times, a grin creeping across his face as he kept his eyes on the windy road.


"I'm just wondering which article of clothing I'm going to strip off you first before you fuck me senseless."

"Hmm," Jared pondered, before reaching down with one hand to his belt buckle. "Maybe I can help you with that decision?"

Jensen leaned over with a wicked grin and helped him unbuckle his belt and unbutton and unzip his pants. He reached in while Jared slumped down in the seat a little to give him more access and pulled his cock out, hardening in his hand. Jensen unbuckled his seat belt and leaned over to get a better position so he could suck the head into his mouth. Jared groaned above him and rested one hand on Jensen's head, kneading his fingers against his scalp. Jensen looked up a couple times to find Jared's eyes fluttering shut with a moan. Jensen would pull off his cock and wait for Jared to give him a dirty look and then stare at the road before taking him back into his mouth.

After the third time Jensen sat up quickly as the car swerved and Jared jerked the wheel to pull it back into his lane. "Jared, what the-" but Jared over corrected and they were swerving toward the side of the road where it was a steep embankment. Jensen reached out to grab the wheel as Jared was trying to brake and turn them back and there were squealing tires and skidding and a loud thump that they couldn't quite place.

The last thing Jensen remembers seeing is Chad fucking Michael Murray screaming at them through the windshield as they drove off the side of the road and into a tree, the bastard spread out on the hood of the car.


"So it was like that!"

Another uncomfortable floaty-thought-bubble silence.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"I died because you couldn't keep it in your pants and you couldn't keep it out of your mouth!"

"Oh, come on Chad. Like you've never hit some homeless person or something when Sophia or Kenzie or some other totally illegal, horrifically under aged chick was blowing you?"

"Hey hey! What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. And I never killed anyone!"

"Do you want a fucking medal or something? We're dead too, in case you hadn't noticed. Our plan to rid you from our lives didn't exactly work the way we wanted!"


"I can't take this, Jared! Not him and not this."

"It's not like we can do anything about it!"

"No, but I can."

This was a new voice and seemed to come from everywhere around them. Suddenly, as if someone flipped on the light switch Jared, Jensen and Chad were able to see each other and they were in a weird white room. Jared reached out to hug Jensen but passed right through him, much to his dismay.

"Yeah, none of you are corporeal right now." A small man dressed in a white suit appeared behind them, holding a clipboard. "Sorry about that. Once you pass through the barrier you lose your physical bodies. These are just images to make it easier for us to deal with you."

"Where are we? And who are you?" Jensen asked.

"I'm the Messenger. And where do you think?"


"Sure," the man said with a shrug. "So you're Jensen, right? Great. And that makes you Jared- I loved you on Gilmore Girls, by the way. We do get some earthly pleasures here. And you are..." he scanned the list, looking for Chad's name. "Huh. Not on my list right now. Could be an error. Anyway. Sorry about the mix up, gentlemen. I'm finishing up your paperwork right now to get you on your way."

"On our way where?" Jared asked. He was so confused.

"Back to earth, of course."

"But we're dead. Aren't we?" Jensen asked, brow furrowed.

"Of course you are! But you didn't think Ostroff was going to let you boys off that easily, did you? The contract you signed when you joined the show is for five years. She's not going to let you guys get away," the Messenger laughed, writing something on the clipboard.

"Say what?" Jensen asked, cocking his head.

"You guys are signed for five years and she's getting what she bargained for."

"Okay, first of all- she made a deal with someone to get our show for five years and second- we're guaranteed five years? Why the hell haven't they told us we've been renewed, then?" Jared tried to reach out to lay a hand on Jensen's arm to calm him down and rolled his eyes when it passed right through him.

"She doesn't want you guys to get slack or anything. The threat of constant cancellation means you guys are on your best behaviour, working long hours and not being stupid pricks. And as far as her deal, well. I'm not allowed to discuss the terms of someone else's arrangements without proper consent. Here are your forms, they'll be taken from you when you're transported back. Now, off you go." The Messenger shooed them away after pressing the forms into their hands, something they could actually touch. They stumbled off a couple steps toward the bright white light before Jared turned around.

"Hey, what about him?" He nodded toward Chad who was off to the side, shuffling his feet. The Messenger consulted his clipboard again.

"Oh the new info is in, his contract is up."

"No more One Tree Hill?" Chad asked, horrified. The Messenger shrugged helplessly.

"Sorry. I don't make the rules."

"So I don't get to go back? Just because Ostroff canceled my show? What a bitch!"

"Hey," Jared spoke up. "Okay, so One Tree Hill isn't making it back. Can't you send him back anyway? He's a real hit with the teen aged girls-" Jensen snorted behind him. "And he's a good guy. It was our fault that he's even here. Can't you bend the rules? I'm sure you must know some way to get around this." Jared flashed the Messenger his Padalecki grin and he blushed, glancing away.

"I do have a little pull," the Messenger said modestly. He looked over at Chad who was making his best 'I'm just a young, wounded man in need of a good woman/man/something to set me straight' look. The Messenger filled out another form quickly and shoved it at Chad. "When you get down there tell them there was a mix up and the drugs interfered with our process. And stop doing them, you bonehead." Chad looked suitably shamed and followed Jared and Jensen toward the light with his paper.

The next thing they knew they were standing on the side of the road where the car had gone over the side. They could see it against the tree, smushed and smoking a little. They could hear sirens in the distance, headed in their direction. Jared looked over at Jensen and winced.

"What?" Jensen asked. Jared took off his button-up shirt quickly and pressed it to Jensen's forehead where there was a trickle of blood running down.

"Guess we didn't make it out totally unscathed," Jared told him. Jensen noticed a bruise forming on Jared's cheek and that he was holding his arm funny.

"What's up with-"

"I think it's broken," Jared told him, just noticing the pain then. They looked over at Chad and saw he was sitting on the ground with his head between his knees, trying not to barf. "Chad? You all right?"

"I fucking hate you guys," he replied, muffled into his pants. Jared and Jensen shrugged.

By the time the ambulance, cops and fire truck arrived a few minutes later there were enough injuries on all three men to make it look like they had been in an accident but escaped relatively unharmed. They answered the appropriate questions and said Chad had been in the car with them when it had happened, not walking on the side of the road, and they had definitely kept the part where Jensen had been blowing Jared out of it.

Before they were going to be escorted home in squad cars another police officer approached them with a pad of paper. Chad was leaning against the trunk of a car, not talking to Jared and Jensen who were whispering quietly to each other. The officer appeared tired and bored as he approached.

"You boys got your papers?" he asked. Jared and Jensen handed theirs out slowly. He took them, skimmed them quickly and moved to Chad who offered his. The officer scanned it and then looked at Chad questioningly.

"It was the drugs," he said, gesturing. "They uh, interfered."

The officer studied him hard before deciding he was satisfied. "Make sure you don't do something like that again," the officer instructed and then walked away, disappearing into the small crowd of officers.

"So um. Am I going to wake up in the morning surrounded by a couple bottles of Jack and thinking I ate mothballs or something?" Jensen asked, scratching his head.

"Maybe we should anyway, just so we have an excuse for all of this."

"What about me? My show's been canceled!" Chad grumbled.

"I'm sure you'll be fine, Chad," Jensen told him kindly, laying a hand on his arm. "It's much easier to pick up teen aged girls from the Wendy's in the food court, anyway."

Chad punched him in the arm and walked away to get into one of the cars waiting to take them home. Jensen turned to Jared who was by the edge of the road, staring over the side at their car. "You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah but..."

"Mind fuck, eh?"

"Well yeah, but no. Our cheesecake is in there."

Jensen stared at Jared for a moment before grabbing his hand and leading him away. "Jared, if you promise to never, ever invite Murray up here again I'll go buy you ten goddamn cheesecakes and we'll never speak of this night ever again."

Jared considered this for about three seconds. "Deal."

supernatural: rps

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