SPN RPS: Learn to Wear Each Other Well

Jan 22, 2007 00:29

Title: Learn to Wear Each Other Well
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Words: 3227, beta'd by jyuu_chan
Disclaimer: No profit is being made, there is no actual fact to any of this, Jared and Jensen don't actually get it on in their trailers at any point of the day or night or in between. Except when they totally do.
Summary:Either this would fail miserably and Jared and Jensen would think he was a total nut job or they'd end up killing each other by the time he went back. But they weren't going to listen to reason and damn if this didn't seem like a good idea last night after he got home and there was a rerun of Saved by the Bell or some shit on.
A/N: This is my second contribution to slashfest. This was a prompt by anasuede. I think this one turned out a little better than I was thinking it would.

I posted the other slashfest RPS fic here: This Splintered Mast.


Jared's head whipped around and fired Jeff with a stare that was half 'don't go there' and half 'are you fucking kidding me'?

He snorted. "Hardly."

"Just seemed like you were staring over there pretty intently. Was wondering if you wanted in on the action?" Jeff asked, nodding toward the four gorgeous, and well-endowed females that had surrounded Jensen at the bar. He was smiling and nodding, playing to them in all the ways they wanted but Jared could plainly see he had his 'be civil to them, be civil to them' expression on underneath. He was getting better at that, hiding his true feelings for the sake of putting on a good face for the show. But Jared always knew how Jen was feeling.

And it drove him mad.

"He can have 'em," Jared drawled, turning his attention to his beer. Even thought he knew Jensen wasn't into those girls he still didn't need to watch them drape themselves all over him. It was hard enough sitting here with Jeff knowing he and Jensen had fooled around a couple times. Sure, they were friends and Jared knew Jeff knew he knew- er, yeah, but it didn't make it any easier knowing Jeff had been with his co-star.

So here they were, one big happy incestuous Hollywood family. Honestly, Jared wouldn't have it any other way. He just wished he could shake these stupid feelings he had every single time Jensen walked into a room. Like he wanted to jump him constantly but for two very, very different reasons.

"I think your boy might be in a little trouble," Jeff rumbled, pulling Jared from his thoughts. Jared looked up to see that Jensen was basically pinned up against the bar while the girls tried to coax him into doing body shots. He cast a searching look across the bar and raised his eyebrows at Jared and Jeff. His classic 'oh fuck, help me' look.

Jared didn't move.

"Not going to help him?" Jeff asked.

Jared finished his beer in two swallows and shook his head. The thought of it all made Jared want to jump Jensen in way number two- not the naked way.

"He got himself into that mess, he can get himself out," Jared said. He flashed a smile at Jeff, threw some bills on the table and squeezed his shoulder as he left. "Later."

Jeff echoed his farewell quietly, before looking up to see Jensen watching Jared walk out of the bar. Jensen's face fell a bit before it hardened. He turned his smile up and used it on one of the girls who damn near swooned. Jared turned around just in time to see Jensen lick a trail of salt off some blonde's fake cleavage and take a shot. He set his mouth in a hard line and slammed the bar door extra hard behind him.

Jeff watched the exchange from the table and heaved a sigh. He clearly had some work to do before he left the show. He pushed back from the table and went to rescue Jensen.


"Ugh. I can still feel their hands on me," Jensen grumbled disgustedly as he brushed his hands down his arms, as if wiping imaginary whore juice off himself.

"You could have just told them you were with friends and declined them or something," Jeff said as they walked down the street from the bar. Jensen didn't live far so Jeff would call a cab from there once he knew Jensen was home safe.

"Jared's always telling me I need to be friendlier to the fans, though," Jensen replied defensively.

"There's a line between friendly and inviting them to spread their legs for you, Jensen," Jeff told him lightly. Jensen just rolled his eyes at his TV father.

"Whatever. What the fuck was up with Jared, anyway? I clearly needed his help in there and he totally brushed me off. Did he say anything?" Jensen asked.

Jeff shook his head. "Just said goodnight. That you looked comfortable."

Jensen snorted. "Figures. I don't know what the hell is up with him, man. He's been acting weirder and weirder lately."

"Lately as in as long as you've been fawning all over people you don't even care about?" Jeff asked. Jensen blinked.


"It's just that you've been getting caught in more and more situations lately where you need Jared to rescue you. Or so it seems." Jensen furrowed his brow and shrugged.

"Fans are getting weird, man. They pop out of the woodwork and you just can't get away. And I've been hanging out with you lately and I care about you."

"Yeah, but you're not making it look like we're getting ready to fuck in the middle of a bar, either," Jeff replied.

"We could," Jensen offered but in a non-serious, half-hearted way. Whatever had happened between them was long over by now.

"Maybe you should talk to Jared," Jeff suggested. "You don't want anything to come through in the show, do you?"

Jensen sighed. "Of course not. He's just been so... frustrating lately. I can't put my finger on what it is, though. Maybe it's me," Jensen considered, then shook his head. "No. Definitely him.

Jeff bit back his own analysis of the situation and changed the subject to something non-Jared related, which proved to be hard because everything Jeff brought up was somehow related back to Jared and what an ass he'd been lately. Jeff really didn't want to get involved but his time with the boys was limited now, and he didn't want to leave without at least trying to make them see.

"Jensen..." Jeff started before he left Jensen's to meet the cab he'd called for.


"Just think about talking to Jared, would you? Maybe there's something else there, behind why he and Sandy split up. Think about it, okay?"

"Do you know something, Jeff?" Jensen asked but Jeff just shook his head.

"I'll see you tomorrow."


"Jensen, can I talk to you?" Jeff approached him during their dinner break and waved him over to where he was standing. Jensen left his plate on the table and joined Jeff. "I have something I'm working on but I need your help. I have it in one of the prop rooms inside, can you come with me?"

Jensen shrugged. "Sure. What is it?"

"I don't want to talk about it right now, just come take a look." Jensen shot him a weird glance but followed him back onto set, through the back hallways to one of the sound booths.

"Did you think more about what we talked about last night? About Jared?"

Jensen shrugged. "Not really. I think there's just something up his ass and he's being a prick about it. You're right, though. Ever since he and Sandy broke up he's been weird."

"Ever wonder why he and Sandy broke up?" Jeff pressed.

"Not really. He refuses to say anything about it to me. So whatever, if he wants to be a little bitch about it, fine. Hey, is this some sort of thank you present for Eric or something?"

"Sort of. It's for you and Jared, too," Jeff told him vaguely. He opened the door and gestured for Jensen to walk in first. "Oh, shit. Just a second. I forgot something in my trailer. I'll be right back."

Jeff shut the door behind Jensen and locked it. This had to be one of the stupidest ideas he ever had. Either this would fail miserably and Jared and Jensen would think he was a total nut job or they'd end up killing each other by the time he went back. But they weren't going to listen to reason and damn if this didn't seem like a good idea last night after he got home and there was a rerun of Saved by the Bell or some shit on. He was tempted to wait outside but figured this was something best left for the two of them to resolve- if they ever did.



Jared turned around, surprised and squinting in the low light. "Jared?"

"Did Jeff bring you here, too? What's this about?"

"Damned if I know. Jeff just said he needed my help on something. A gift for Eric and Bobby, maybe?"

"I don't know. This is weird, though," Jared said, looking around the room and checking his watch.

"Hey, Jared?" Jensen asked suddenly.


"Why did you and Sandy break up?" Jensen watched Jared get red and frown.

"Does it matter?"

"Probably not, but Jeff asked me why and I realized I don't know. So why is it?"

Jared's expression hardened and he flushed even more. "I don't think that's really any of your business."

Jensen raised an eyebrow. "That bad, huh?"

"It wasn't bad! I just- it's none of your business! Where the hell is Jeff?"

"Headcase," Jensen grumbled to himself.

"Excuse me?"

Jensen shrugged. "Nothing." Jared rolled his eyes and brushed past Jensen to the door. He tried to twist the doorknob but nothing happened.

"What the fuck?" he muttered.

"What is it?"

"It's locked."

"What?" Jensen walked up behind Jared and shouldered him out of the way. "Let me try."

"I'm sure I can figure out a doorknob," Jared told him dryly. "There's only so many ways it can work."

"There must be... something," Jensen replied, twisting this way and that to try and get the door open. "We're locked in."

"How can we be locked in? There's only- oh god. He locked us in. Jeff locked us in."

Jared wanted to laugh at Jensen's dumbfounded expression but decided that wouldn't help and Jensen might very well hit him if he did. "And there's no point in yelling," he sighed. "He locked us into the old sound booth which is, of course-"

"Sound proof," Jensen finished for him, hanging his head. Jared nodded and sighed again. He leaned against the wall and slid down it, folding his hands on his knees.

"You're just going to sit there?" Jensen asked. Jared shrugged.

"What else is there to do? He'll let us out eventually."

"Eventually," Jensen repeated. Jared shrugged again.

"Are you totally fucked in the head? Who does this?" Jensen threw his hands up. Jared rolled his eyes.

"Clearly Jeff does. There's no point in getting worked up about it, so sit down, chill and shut the fuck up."

"Fuck off, Jared," Jensen groaned. Jared blinked.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. I'm so sick and tired of you acting like this," Jensen said, rubbing his hand over his face.

"Acting like what?" Jared asked, getting to his feet slowly.

"Like you're better than me? Like you're above me? Like you can't stand to be in the same room as me? Like everything I do annoys you?" Jensen replied.

"Maybe I am," Jared said quietly, lifting his chin in defiance as Jensen's eyes met his.

"Say again?"

"Maybe I'm fed up with you running around flaunting yourself in front of people, just begging for their attention. You don't even like girls, man! What's up with that?" Jared said, his voice rising.

"I didn't have any other choice! You walked out of the fucking bar! I needed your help to get out of that! I thought you had my back!" Jensen yelled back.

"I'm sick of being your back up! For once I'd like to come first for you, Jensen!"

"You do! You're my best friend!"

"Then act like it! Stop... whoring yourself out to other people all the time!"

"I don't whore myself out!" Jensen cried, indignant. Jared waved his hand and started to turn around, to try and distance himself from the situation but Jensen grabbed his arm and made him look him in the eye. "No! This isn't over! You think I'm a slut or something?"

"No! Well, yes. You sure seem like it a lot of the time!" Jared finally settled on. He tried to pull away from Jensen who was still holding his arm but he held tight.

"Maybe that's because you're too damn thick to make a move!" Jensen shouted. Jared stopped struggling and stared at Jensen who's eyes had gone wide.


"No," Jensen said quickly, shaking his head. He let go of Jared's arm.

"Yes." Jared nodded.

"That was-"

"The moment of truth?"

"Hardly," Jensen snorted. "It was-"

"I can't stand to see you around all those other people. If you were doing it to make me jealous it worked. Very well," Jared admitted in a rush. Jensen's eyes were wide again. "I hated seeing you with some girl or guy hanging off you all the time, hated you almost."

"So you were acting like a prick because you didn't want to see other people all over me and I was trying to make you jealous?" Jensen shook his head and let out a tired laugh. When Jared didn't respond Jensen looked over at him and found him staring at him intensely. "What?"

Jared walked toward him and pushed Jensen against the wall. He held him there with one hand against his chest, splayed over his heart. He cupped Jensen's face with the other and angled his head toward him as he leaned down and covered Jensen's lips with his own. Jensen was sure Jared could feel how fast his heart was beating under his palm and clutched at Jared's shirt almost desperately. Jensen pulled Jared into him, wanted to feel his whole body pressed against his own. Jared braced his legs on either side of Jensen's and leaned against him, heavy and solid.

Jensen clutched at Jared's bicep with one hand and buried the other in his hair, something he'd always wanted to do. He didn't realize until that very moment that he'd wanted to touch every part of Jared's body for as long as he could remember and he was going to do his damnest to try now. He squeezed and rubbed and scratched his way around Jared's body, down his back to his ass. He worked his hand under Jared's - no, Sam's- shirt to the waistband of his jeans and tried to work his way under the denim and his boxers but the belt was too tight around his waist.

Jensen growled and pulled away, turning his attention to Jared's belt buckle. Jared kissed Jensen's jaw and ear, biting down on his earlobe just to hear Jensen gasp. He watched Jensen fumble with his belt buckle, hands shaking slightly, before covering them with his own and kissing the corner of his mouth.

"Jensen," he whispered. Jen looked up, face flushed and lips swollen. "It's okay."

"Why did you and Sandy break up?"

Jared glanced away and tightened his hands on Jensen's. "She said that everything I ever talked about or mentioned or anything we ever did always came back to you. I couldn't stop talking about you, even if I was angry or upset or whatever. She was sick and tired of coming second in our relationship to you. I didn't believe her, but it's true. I never stop thinking about you."

"How long?"

"How long what?"

"That it's been this way?"


Jensen growled and kissed Jared hard, pulling his belt from his pants with sharp tug. "We could've been doing this all that time."

"Better make up for it, then," Jared replied and ground his hips against Jensen's. Jensen moaned and pushed Jared's pants and boxers down enough to wrap his hand around his cock. He stroked slowly, rubbing his thumb over the head and getting used to the weight of him in his palm.

Jared followed Jensen's example and had his pants pushed down, almost to his knees. Jared buried his face in Jensen's neck as he stroked his cock in time with Jensen's hand on his own. He could hear Jensen panting harshly next to his ear, the soft curses and grunts under his breath as Jared's other hand alternated between tugging at his balls and reaching between his legs to stroke his hole.

"You have no idea the things I want to do to you," Jared whispered to Jensen. "Lick you and suck you and feel you squeeze around my tongue as I'm fucking you with my mouth. I want to make you come and then fuck you so hard you wish you could come again. I've wanted to feel you in me forever and sometimes when we're sitting in the Impala together all I can think about is your mouth around my cock, sucking so hard and fast-"

Jensen's hips thrust against his as Jared's hand stroked faster with his words and he was coming. Jared stroked him through his orgasm, watching Jensen's eyes flutter as he rode it out, the moans and his own name fall from his lips. Once Jensen was panting and slumped against the wall, held up by only Jared he brought his hand, slick with Jensen's come, to his own cock where his hand had become slack. He brushed Jensen's hand out of the way and started stroking himself, the scent of them making him dizzy. He pushed his face into Jensen's neck again and breathed him in. Jensen stirred and dropped a hand between Jared's legs, trailing his fingers behind his balls to play with his ass. Jared jerked as Jensen gently rubbed the tip of a finger over his hole and then he was coming, teeth sinking into Jensen's neck lightly. Jensen held him as he shuddered and groaned against him.

Jared was just working up the energy to stand on his own so he wasn't slumped against Jensen when the booth door opened and light shone over them. They both looked up, startled and saw Jeff standing in the doorway, eyebrows raised and clearly impressed. Jared and Jensen reached down and tried to inconspicuously zip themselves up as Jeff watched.

"So... how's things?" Jeff asked, trying to hold back a grin.

"That was dirty pool," Jensen replied, pointing a finger at him.

Jeff shrugged, unapologetic. "A father does what a father's gotta do." Jared and Jensen both rolled their eyes and tried to tuck their shirts in and make themselves look presentable. "Oh, and Jared you have a little something right there."

Jared looked down at his shirt to where Jeff was pointing and blushed a little. "I guess I'll have to stop at wardrobe."

"Have fun explaining that one," Jensen snickered.

"You're such an ass," Jared muttered.


"Don't suppose you want to lock us in here again?" Jared asked with a grin, as he passed by Jeff. Jeff rolled his eyes and winked at Jensen. Maybe they would be okay.

supernatural: rps

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