Title: Conversation - side chapter of School Project [Chapter 3,5/?]
mariposa02 Pairing: Onkey
Rating: pg (for now)/ - pg-15
Genre: comedy
Summery: the "klutz" and the "ice prince" have to do a school projekt together.
AN: My mother read chapter 3 and said that there was a conversation between Kibum and Jonghyun missing, cause Jonghyun probably would want to know whats goin on... so I wrote this conversation as a sidechapter.. enjoy~
[Chapter 1];
[Chapter 2];
[Chapter 3];
Conversation between Kibum and Jonghyun while they nurse Jinki.
“Seriously, I didn't know you liked this... eehm.. dorky type....”
“Well, I mean the others were more like, supermodels or at least super good-looking and...”
“WHAT! Jinki?! What do you think of me? I'm not into nerds and dorks! He is NOT a lover!”
“Oh really?”
“No! God! I wouldn't nurse my lover!”
“But you nurse this person?”
“It's not like that!”
“Then how is it?”
“He... he's a classmate and I'm responsible for him 'cause he was here doing a school-project with me and I don't wanna be expelled because of this guy dying right before my house!”
“It's nothing!”
“ Stop grinning like that you look like a psychopath”
“You're getting on my nerves!”
“Anyway.... I knew you had a fetish for girly things but this!”
“I mean how the hell did you get so many pink towels?!”
“None of your business.”
“And why did you decide to wrap him in all those pink towles? I mean you have many normal white towels don't you?”
“Why are you blushing?”
“..... I thought it would suit him... “
“Haha! Keep cool! Our Diva Kibum! Always looking for something fashionably that suits a person.”
“Shut up!”
“Finished! Wait here I'll go get some coffee.”
“Black please!”
“I know, I know.”
[Chapter 4]