Master of Saint Lucy Legend (работал с1480по 1510

Jun 28, 2010 14:48

Master of Saint Lucy Legend (работал с 1480 по 1510)

Virgin of the Rose Garden (1475-80)

Нидерландский художник, который работал в Брюгге, (в настоящее время город в Бельгии). Его назвали так по картинам на алтаре в церкви Сент-Джеймс в Брюгге, который датирован 1480г. и изображает три сцены из жизни св.Луции. С тех пор от 25 до 35 картин относят к той же руке. Фото его работ немного, и многие не передают верной цветовой гаммы, но несколько хороших удалось найти.

Virgin among Virgins in the Rose Garden
Master of Saint Lucy Legend
Legend of St Lucy
Oil on oak panel, 79 x 183 cm
Sint-Jacobskerk, Bruges

Луция была дочерью богатого римского гражданина из Сиракуз, который рано умер. Её мать хотела выдать дочь замуж, но Люция принесла обет безбрачия и не согласилась на помолвку. После исцеления матери на могиле святой Агаты в Катании от кровотечений, она согласилась с обетом дочери. Отвергнутый жених возбудил против христианки Луции жестокое преследование. Судья Сиракуз хотел отдать её в публичный дом, но не повозка, запряженная быками, ни тысяча мужчин не могли сдвинуть Луцию с места. После разнообразных пыток и чудес она была убита ударом меча. Другие легенды сообщают и о том, что ей вырвали глаза.

Legend of St Lucy
Bruges, Sint-Jacobskerk
This painting was most probably the central panel of a triptych.
The scenes from the life of Saint Lucy based on the Legenda Aurea.

Legend of St Lucy

Bruges- Sint-Jakobskerk, detail from "The Legend of St.Lucy (1480) - collage"
Legend of St Lucy

Scene from the St Lucy Legend
Oil on wood
Church of St Jacob, Bruges

Легенда о св.Луции очень известна, ей посвящены очень много интересных картин, я их позже обязательно покажу.


Virgin Surrounded by Female Saints
c. 1488
Oak, 108 x 171 cm
Musйes Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussels


Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels by Master of the St Lucy Legend

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels by Master of the St Lucy Legend

Photographed at the Legion of Honor Museum of Fine Arts in San Francisco, California.


Triptych of Madonna and Child with Angels; Donor and His Patron Saint Peter Martyr; and Saint Jerome and His Lion
Master of the St. Lucy Legend
before 1483

Madonna and Child with Angels


Master of the St. Lucy Legend.
Lamentation Triptych
with permission of
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid


Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy
Date: 1493-1501
Institution: Minneapolis Institute of Arts

Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy, South Netherlandish, active ca. 1475 - 1505
Lamentation with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Catherine of Alexandria
1493 - 1501

Master of Saint Lucy Legend
about 1475-1500
Oil on panel, 81.2 x 123.3 cm
Bruges, Groeningemuseum


St Sebastian
Oil on oak panel, 70 x 26,7 cm
Gallery Robert Pintelon, Aalst
Master of the Saint Lucy Legend

Saint Nicolas Altarpiece
Master of Saint Lucy Legend
about 1475-1500
Oil on panel, 101.5 x 81.5 cm
Bruges, Groeningemuseum

St. Donatian
wing of the Lamentation Triptych by the Master of the St. Lucy Legend.

Madonna with Child
Master of Saint Lucy Legend
about 1500
Oil on panel, 39 x 28 cm
Antwerp, Museum Mayer van den Bergh


Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy. The Adoration of the Magi.

The Adoration of the Magi.

The Adoration of the Magi.

The Adoration of the Magi.

The Adoration of the Magi.

National Gallery Of Art

"Mary, Queen of Heaven" by Master of the Saint Lucy Legend (circa 1485).

Madonna and Child Surrounded by Angels
by Master Of The St. Lucy Legend


Pittsburgh, Carnegie Museum, madonna and child with musical angels, detail

St. Nicholas Altarpiece
Groeninge Museum
Bruges, Belgium

St. Nicholas Altarpiece
Groeninge Museum
Bruges, Belgium

Master of the Saint Lucy Legend
St. Nicholas Altarpiece
Groeninge Museum
Bruges, Belgium


Master of the Saint Lucy legend (flemish)
Virgin of the Rose Garden (1475-80)
Detroit, Institute of Arts

А это "Madonna of the Rose Garden" Ботичелли, примерно того же времени:

Madonna of the Rose Garden
Sandro Botticelli
about 1468
Tempera on panel, 93 x 69 cm
Paris, Musee du Louvre
Motif of the 'Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist' named 'Madonna of the Rose Garden'.

и еще- Мадонна с розами:


Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy (fl. 1480-1510) was an unidentified Early Netherlandish painter who worked in Bruges, now a city in Belgium. His name comes from for an altarpiece in the church of Saint James in Bruges, which is dated 1480 and depicts three scenes from the life of Saint Lucy. Since then, twenty-five to thirty-five paintings have been attributed to the same hand. He may have trained Spanish students at his studio in Bruges. Many of them are characterized by views of the city of Bruges in the background, and can be dated according to the level of construction of its belfry. He may have trained with Dieric Bouts, and was certainly influenced by Bruges' greatest artist at the time, Hans Memling.


