Пять чувств- The Five Senses.

Dec 25, 2009 13:12

Пять чувств- The Five Senses.

Пять чувств.

The Five Senses; Hearing Crispijn de Passe the elder


LINARD, Jacques
The Five Senses and the Four Elements
Oil on canvas, 105 x 153 cm
Musée du Louvre, Paris

LINARD, Jacques
The Five Senses
Oil on canvas, 55 x 68 cm
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Strasbourg


RECCO, Giuseppe
Still-life with the Five Senses
Oil on canvas
Private collection

Baugin, Lubin
The Five Senses (Still-Life with Chessboard), 1630


The Five Senses", Jan Saendam, 1565-1607

---------------------Crispijn de Passe the elder-1590-1637 (c)------------

The Five Senses; Touch Crispijn de Passe the elder (Print made by

The Five Senses; Hearing Crispijn de Passe the elder (Print made by)

The Five Senses; Sightprint; Crispijn de Passe the elder (Print made by)

The Five Senses Sight

The Five Senses / Taste

The Five Senses / Smell

---------------------Jakob von der Heyden -1600-1645-----------------------

The Five Senses / Tactus (Touch)
The Five Senses; Tactusprint; Jakob von der Heyden (Print made by); Bust-length female figure, turned to right and piercing her chest with a sharp object

The Five Senses / Gustus (Taste)

The Five Senses / Olfactus (Smell)

--------------------------Johan Bara -c.1630------------------------

The Five Senses; Johan Bara (Print made by); Thomas Jenner (Published by); Touch: a three-quarter-length woman has her finger bitten by a scorpion.1623-1635

Sight: a three-quarter-length woman looking into a hand-mirror with an eagle at her shoulder. c.1630

Hearing: a seated three-quarter-length woman playing a lute with a stag beside her. c.1630

----------------------George Glover-c.1630 -------------------------------------------

Hearing: a three-quarter-length woman playing a lute and singing. c.1630
Print made by George Glover

Smell: a seated three-quarter-length woman sniffing a rose while her dog smells her hand. c.1630

Sight: a three-quarter-length woman admiring herself in a mirror on her dressing-table. c.1630

Touch: a seated three-quarter-length woman holding a bandage to her cut hand. c.1630

Taste: a seated three-quarter-length woman with a wide hat smoking a long clay pipe. c.1630

Touch, shown as a young woman holding a handkerchief to a wound on her hand. 1640s
Engraving 1635-1650

Hearing, shown as a young woman playing a lute. 1640s

Sight, shown as a young woman looking at herself in a mirror. 1640s

Smell, shown as a young woman holding a flower and with a small dog on the table. 1640s


-----------------------Published by Pierre Landry -1650-1701--------

Taste: female figure reclining in landscape, and taking fruits from a basket placed at her side; next to her, a monkey is also eating fruits

Published by Pierre Landry

Touch: female figure reclining in landscape, with hawk perched on her hand and biting her hand, and spider on a web behind her

Smell: female figure reclining in landscape, smelling flowers; hounds at her side, and formal garden in the background

Sight: female figure reclining in landscape, looking at her reflection in a small mirror, with eagle at her side

Five Senses
Published by Pierre Landry

Li cinque Sentimenti alla moda...print; Giuseppe Maria Mitelli (Print made by); Five small scenes of everyday life, representing the five senses linked with wasteful living.

-------------------------Jean Mariette -1690-1742-------------------------

Five senses; L'Odoratprint; Jean Mariette (Published by); Smell: woman in dress embroidered with stylized foliage, carrying flowers in a drapery, and smelling a posy

Five senses / La Veüe
Sight: woman in richly ornate dress, embroidered with stylized foliage, standing next to a telescope, and looking at her reflection in a small mirror

Five senses / Le Toucher
Touch: woman in dress embroidered with stylized foliage, looking at a bird perched on her left hand

Taste: woman in dress embroidered with stylized foliage, sitting with left arm resting on a table, and eating a pear

Hearing: woman wearing richly ornate dress embroidered with stylized foliage, and striped drapery covering her back, sitting and playing lute

Five Senses; Le Goutprint; Pierre Aveline (Print made by); Nicolas Contat (Published by); Allegory of Taste: in a lanscaped garden, couples kissing or eating fruits

-------------------After Andries Both -After Pieter Schenk -1675-1719 (after)--------------

Taste. An elderly pancake woman at right, seen seated by an old house amid hungry peasants, some voraciously eating pancakes; unsigned; after Andries Both

The Five Senses; Andries Both (After); Pieter Schenk (After); Touch. Street scene with peasants looking on as a quack pulls out a man's tooth

Hearing. A group of peasants gathered around a man who is standing on an upturned basket and reading from a sheet of paper, a house beyond with a pigeon on the window-sill; unsigned; after Pieter Schenk who engraved after Andries Both

Sight. A group of peasants gathered around a pedlar, some of them examining the ware, two children at right; unsigned; after Pieter Schenk who engraved after Andries Both


------------------BRUEGHEL, Jan the Elder-1618----------------

BRUEGHEL, Jan the Elder
The Sense of Hearing
Oil on panel, 65 x 107 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid

BRUEGHEL, Jan the Elder
The Senses of Hearing, Touch and Taste
Oil on panel, 176 x 264 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid

BRUEGHEL, Jan the Elder
The Sense of Taste
Oil on panel, 64 x 108 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid

BRUEGHEL, Jan the Elder
The Sense of Sight
Oil on panel, 65 x 109 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid

STOSKOPFF, Sébastien
Summer or the Five Senses
Oil on canvas
Musée de l'Oeuvre de Notre Dame, Strasbourg

BOSSE, Abraham
The Five Senses: Hearing
c. 1635
Oil on canvas, 104 x 137 cm
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Tours

VOS, Simon de
Allegory of the Five Senses
Oil on copper, 55 x 72 cm
Private collection

The senses are represented as women and children engaged in some typical activity and with attributes. Hearing is associated with music. Sight holds a mirror. Taste has a fruit and Smell a bunch of flowers. Touch has a bird perching on her raised hand
LAIRESSE, Gйrard de
(b. 1641, Liиge, d. 1711, The Hague)
Allegory of the Five Senses
Oil on canvas
Glasgow Museum, Glasgow

Finson, Ludovicus The Five Senses, detail, 1737

Finson, Ludovicus The Five Senses

Этот сюжет есть у многих художников, есть очень интересные гравюры, так что продолжение следует.


