Adriaen van der Velde -1589 - 1662. Гравюры.

Nov 15, 2009 17:15

Adriaen van de Venne

Jacob Cats - книга эмблем середины 1600-х годов- символические гравюры с изображением различных поучений и бытовых сценок, а также другие интересные гравюры.
Художник- Adriaen van de Venne ( (painter/draughtsman; Dutch, 1589 - 1662). .


The widow: roundel, after van der Venne; interior with a woman seated sewing, a tulip in a vase on a table in the immediate foreground, a dog with a bone and a woman standing in a doorway to right

Вдова и рука скелета

предал и опозорил ???

vrouwe - boy with lantern catches girl sneaking out window

gespreck voor de koninginne vasthi en alle vrouwen

Образование детей ...
opvoeding van kinderen - waer dat de slang 't hooft kan dringen

staten en ampten - herder alsje schapen scheert sie dat gyse niet en deert

--------------------Другие гравюры-------------------

A man holding a candle enters a bedroom to find a man has climbed out of bed and is nailing a plank across a window; illustration to 'Dood-kiste voor de levendige' by Jacob Cats. 1655
Engraving and letterpress on the verso

Jacob's Dream; Jacob lies fast asleep on the ground in the foreground; beyond at left, in a billowing cloud, an angel descends a ladder. 1600-1602

Fable of the acorn and the melon; a man stands under an oak tree and raises his arms in alarm to protect himself from falling acorns; in the foreground a melon plant; after Van de Venne; illustration to 'Buyten-leven, ouderdom' by Jacob Cats. 1655

The fisherman: roundel, after van der Venne; having caught a fish, the fisherman bends down to pick it up, a tower on a grassy dune behind
Pen and brown ink, with graphite

Cavalcade of six Princes of the house of Nassau-Orange, Philip, Maurice, Henry Frederick, Willem Lodovicus, Ernest Casimir and Johann Ernest, all on horseback with attendants and children, after A. van de Venne. 1621

Allegorical representation of Ship of State, celebrating state visit to Holland of William III, King of England. 1691
Etching and engraving

Portrait of Amalia van Solms, Princess of Orange, with her two children Prince William and Princess Louise-Henriette, behind the Binnenhof in The Hague. 1628

Portrait of Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, standing full length in armour holding a sword and the badges of the seven United Provinces, behind the Binnenhof in The Hague. 1628

The arrival of Charles II at Delft, disembarking at the quay-side greeted by local dignitaries; after Adriaen van de Venne; illustration to 'Verhael van de Reys van Carel II, Coning van Groot-Brittannië, in Hollandt van 25 Mey tot 2 Junij 1660' (The Hague, 1660).

Formal garden, illustration to 'Tafeerel van de Belacchende Werelt', The Hague, 1635; with sculpture at centre, and figures including two women with a child in the right foreground. c.1635
Pen and brown ink, with grey wash, indented for transfer

Victori-waeghen vanden Doorluchtigen Prince van Orangien

Caroli II Magnae Britanniae Regis Discessus Ex Hollandia in Angliam, 2 Junii 1660

A broadside satirising the defeat of the Remonstrants in the Netherlands, describing the devoted service of William the Silent and Maurice of Nassau; with an etching after a design by Adriaen van de Venne, showing on the top two coats-of-arms, on the R Maurice of Nassau, standing next to a large sieve which removes the Remonstrants from the United Provinces; with Dutch engraved inscriptions, wanting letterpress text. (n.p.: 1618)

Allegorical representation of the installation of Maurice Prince of Orange as Stadholder; the Lion of the Netherlands holding staff bearing Hat of Liberty and handing Sword of Justice to Prince.
Etching and engraving

Violin player; a woman playing the violin, half-length; in an oval within an elaborate frame of putti and fruits. c.1610-20

Allegory representing rejection of the offer of limited peace: Peter Peckius, Chancellor of Brabant, backed by the Pope and the King of Spain, offering olive branch to Maurice Prince of Orange and the Lion of the Netherlands.

Еще у него есть альбом- 102 рисунка бытовых сценок и персонажей, но это уже в следующем посте.

