Старинные ножницы и швейные несессеры.

Aug 06, 2009 20:23

Старинные ножницы и очень красивые швейные несессеры.

Самые первые ножницы были придуманы три с половиной тысячи лет назад. При раскопках в Греции археологи обнаружили это древнейшее приспособление, представлявшее собой два лезвия, соединённых наподобие пинцета.

Moroni, Giovanni Battista

Изобретение это, хоть и функционировало, не было особо удачным. Лезвия «овечьих» ножниц приходилось сжимать руками, наподобие огром­ных щипцов для раздачи торта, а потом ещё и разжимать. Такими ножницы долго бы и оставались, если бы не величайшее открытие математика и меха­ника Древней Греции Архимеда. Он сформули­ровал принцип рычага, заявив: «Дайте мне точ­ку опоры, и я переверну мир». Именно этим принципом в VIII веке воспользовался некий ближневосточный ремесленник, соединив лез­вия не в виде пинцета, а с помощью гвоздика, загнув ручки кольцами.

Antique scissors

Japanese scissors

Scissors - These are very similar to old hand forged scissors with big hand holes for leverage. Blades are very sharp to cut a large variety of materials including leather.

Salem Witch Figural Scissors
Salem witch figural scissors depicting a witch on a broom; silver tone metal; marked "Salem 1692, Registered Germany."

German scissors 1875.

Fox and Vine Silver Grape Scissors 1884

Постепенно ножницы приобрета­ли специальности. Одни предназначались для лекарей, вторые - для парикмахеров, третьи - для скорняков. Были и такие, что становились предметами роскоши - из золота и серебра.
Ближневосточной культуре мы обязаны со­временной изящной формой маникюрных ножниц. Один ювелир получил титул первого мудреца за то, что сумел придумать ножницы такого размера, что они идеально подходили к ноготкам любимой жены шаха. Французы стали использовать ножницы в кулинарии для разделывания рождественских гусей и прочей до­машней птицы. Немцы создали гигантские стальные ножницы для резки металла при авариях на дорогах. Этим приспособлением можно прорезать заклинившую дверь, вскрывать кор­пус машины. А англичане изобрели ножницы для стрижки газонов.
На смену стальным ножницам сегодня при­шли лазерные. Они не только разрезают ткань по заданной программой выкройке, но и оплав­ляют края, чтобы те не обсыпались. Скорость раскроя - почти метр в секунду.


RARE Early 1900s Marshal Wells~Rooster Sewing Scissors~


----------------Специальные ---------------



Для стрижки овец

Ножницы для срезания верхушек яиц.

для свечей

Candle Snuffer Wick Trimmer Scissors & Tray

Candle Snuffer Wick Trimmer Scissors & Tray

для ковров, турецкие

Старинные закройные


Antique Scissor-type Sugar Nips -для сахара


Scissors glasses-очки, очень похожие на ножницы

Christopher Locke has made spider-sculptures out of scissors. Those scissors are bought from the TSA auctions, the confiscated scissors. The big spider is made from barber scissors and the smaller ones are from cuticle scissors.



Gorgeous Antique French Silver Gilt Sewing Etui * C1850



Wonderful Antique Sewing Set With Gold Washed Cut steel Implements

and Cathedral shaped scissors

Figural (Swan) Scissors Set - This stunning early 19th century French figural scissors and thimble set is made of 18kt. gold. The embossed leather case measures 4 3/4" long and 2 1/2" at its widest. Lined in satin and velvet, this lovely case is beautiful all by itself.

Palais Royal Etui - Undoubtedly made in the palais royal district of Paris in the early 19th century, this beautiful boxed needlework set is both rare and quite special.

Ivory Etui - This stunning ivory case has got to be the most beautiful of its type that I have ever seen. The top of the case features swirls, scrolls, shells and flourishes all carved surrounding the ornate script initials " M.L.B.".

Palais Royal Necessaire - In the early part of the 19th century, the finest needlework sets were being made in Paris. When Louis Phillipe inherited the royal palace he turned one wing of the palace into a shopping arcade which was known as the Palais Royal.

Boulle Sewing Box - This exquisite sewing box is made with an elaborate pattern of brass inlaid over shell. This type of work is named after Andre Charles Boulle, who was the favored furniture maker for Louis XIV. Usually, Boulle work is done over tortoise shell, but in this case it is worked over what appears to be mother of pearl or perhaps something very similar to mother of pearl.

Miniature Tortoise Etui - This delicate little etui measures just 3 1/2" x 2 1/4" x 2"high. The case is made of tortoise shell and gilded brass.


Gilt Etui

Gilt Etui - The wood grain in this lovely oval case is constructed in a beautiful diamond shape. And the grain of the wood on the bottom of the case is even prettier than the grain on the top. In the center of the diamond shape is an unengraved brass medallion. The tools inside of the etui include: gilt stiletto, bodkin, scissors and needlecase as well as a gold thimble.

Tula Work Etui - Tula work is a form of gilded decoration on steel, originating in Russia. By clicking on the enlargement for the third picture, you can see how truly beautiful this technique is on sewing tools.

Tula Work Etui


Extraordinary Circa 1850 Spanish Walnut Etui.

Antique Palais Royal Trinket, Mother of Pearl Sewing Etui w/ Tools


late 18th century.Miniature Etui - This wonderful little etui measures just 1" x 1 1/2" x 2 3/4" high. It is made of a gilded metal (brass, I think) and is hand engraved with birds, flowers and paired hearts


Silver Etui - This beautiful two piece boxed set is circa 1880.


"Скромный" несессер- золоты предметы,18 век- $1150.00

This lovely French etui is an excellent example of the type of elegant sewing accessories being made in Paris in the mid 18th century.

Gold Scissors - These lovely 18kt. gold scissors feature an delicate etched design on the handles. $395.00

Antique Napoleon III era French sewing etui,

wonderful mid-1800s French sets, ivory etui


Несессер из черепахи

Tortoise Shell Necessaire - This elegant necessaire features an especially beautiful tortoise shell box with a silver plate inscribed with the initials "CL". $2150.00

Перламутровый-Mother of Pearl Necessaire- $1850.00

Mother of Pearl Necessaire

Palais Royal Workbox -$3450.00

Palais Royal Workbox - This beautiful workbox was undoubtedly made in the Palais Royal district of Paris. In the late 18th, early 19th century a man named Louie Philippe, the Duke of Orleans inherited the palace in Paris. He turned one wing of the palace into a shoping arcade called the "Palais Royal". Only the finest artisans in France were allowed to set up shop there and, of course, they catered to the wealthy aristocracy. They made exquisite pieces using fragile mother of pearl. One of the signatures of the Palais Royal is the little blue enamel pansy that you see on the needlecase in this box.


Antique French Champleve and gold gilt egg shaped Minature Sewing box etui with original tools.

-------------Шкатулки в форме пианино и роялей--------------

Palais Royal Piano Workbox - Exceptionally rare, this stunning figural workbox is made in the shape of a piano. The top of the piano has inlaid ivory "keys" and a beautiful grain in the wood. The side of the piano has a lovely piece of gilt trim in the shape of two cornucopias filled with fruits and flowers. The piano measures 11 1/2" long by 7 3/4" wide by 6 1/2" high.


Palais Royal Piano Workbox

Palais Royal Piano Workbox - Describing a phenominal piece like this is almost futile. It is an exceptionally rare and truly special workbox. Everything about it is spectacular. The box itself is obviously figural in the shape of a piano with keys inlaid in the wood on the top of the box. The grain of the wood is stunning and great effort has been taken to match the grains on all sides of the piano. It is circa 1820.


Venezia - Palazzo ducale - Capitello d'angolo - Foto Giovanni Dall'Orto

aspetti di vita quotidiana,abbigliamento lino,Taccuino
Tacuina sanitatis (XIV century)

Title Deutsch: Der Schneider / Il sarto

Pierre Mignard (1610-1695) - Time Clipping Cupid's Wings

Pieter Claesz Stilleven met een brandende kaars 1627.

Knives, Scissors and Razors to Grind, plate 6 of The Cries of London, engraved by Giovanni Vendramini (1769-1839), pub. by Colnaghi & Co., 1795

The Fates, attributed here to Michelangelo.]

The Three Fates with flowers, thread and shears.] (1901

A Friesland lady. 1887
Ножницы на шатлене- специальной цепочке.


The Knife Grinder"
Date - 1853
Illustrator - P. Weenix
Engraver - W. French
Published for the Proprietors
by AH Payne, Dresden & Leipzig

OLD RARE Antique INDO PERSIAN Scissor KATAR DAGGER - это не ножницы, как написано, а холодное оружие, мне merla прислала ссылку на очень интересный пост:http://www.liveinternet.ru/community/weapons_dells/post74660404/, за что большое спасибо!

Scissors Katar With Silver Inlay

Очень много красивейших ножниц и швейных принадлежностей:


