[Drabble] Puppy Love

Feb 08, 2011 17:47

[Series]: Of Chocolate, Cards and other Valentine's Paraphernalia - Master Post
[Characters]: Kuchiki Byakuya and Shiba Kaien.
[Pairing]: Kaien/Byakuya (pre-slash)
[Summary]: Byakuya is handing out chocolates for Valentine's Day.
[Word Count]: 325
[Done]: 12.February.2010
[Beta]: not beta-read
[Content/Warnings]: Fluff
[Rating]: PG
[Notes]: I love young!Byakuya. Love♥ Love♥ Love♥ He's adorable and still so uncomplicated, carefree and almost sweet. And I so can see him having a crush on an older, dashing Kaien. And Ukitake as well.

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Disclaimer: Do not own Bleach and will not make a profit out of this fic. All characters © Kubo Tite.

"Here!" Byakuya pushed his hands in front of Kaien, offering a velvety, red heart-shaped box.

"Err... thanks, I guess," Kaien said to the young Kuchiki heir, taking the proffered box and peeking inside. The smell of chocolate assaulted his nostrils and he had to bite his tongue not to moan at the delicious scent. "Wow, these smell divine!"

"You're welcome," Byakuya replied, his carefully composed Kuchiki expression marred only by the lightest of blushes.

"So did you make these yourself?"

"Of course not!" Byakuya huffed, as if the very idea affronted him.

"Definitely not the trade of a Kuchiki, slaving in the kitchen."

"Precisely! I did buy them myself, however!"

"Ah, very commendable. I thank you for your effort," Kaien replied, popping one of the appetizing chocolates in his mouth and humming with

Byakuya's blush deepened at the compliment - and perhaps Kaein's moan - and inclined his head in thanks.

"So who else did you buy Valentine's Chocolates for?" Kaien asked after savouring the treat. "No wait! Let me guess? Yoruichi-taichou! "

"AH! As if I would buy that... that..." he searched for a word and settled for," woman anything." He upturned his nose in a very petulant way before continuing more sedately, "I bought chocolates for you and Ukitake-san. I did get loads from the Academy," he added proudly.

"I'm sure loads is an understatement." Kaien grinned at the boy's 'kinda.' "And, of course, you've got some for Ukitake-taichou. He wouldn't talk to you for a month if you'd forgotten to give him chocolates on Valentine's Day. Believe me, I know!" Kaien laughed at Byakuya's bugged-out eyes and then kissed Byakuya's lips before saying, formally, "thank you very much for your trouble, Kuchiki Byakuya."

The wonder in the young Kuchiki turned cunning as he licked his lips and said, "I'll be expecting a return gift on White Day." And then walked away with a sly smile on his lips, leaving Kaien speechless.

Next: Like Every Other Day - Byakuya/Renji - Valentine's Day? What Valentine's Day? Is just  like every other day at 6th. Almost.

[and other valentine's paraphernalia], !bleach, p:kaien/byakuya, #fanfiction

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