Наш шериф на страже Конституции

Feb 05, 2013 12:57

На фото - момент приведения к присяге: справа - губернатор Джорджии Натан Дил, в центре - жена шерифа Шерон.

Вновь избранный областной шериф Gerald J. Couch разместил на сайте местного правительства заявление в поддержку 2-ой конституционной поправки следующего содержания:

My Fellow Citizens,

As a result of recent criminal tragedies, there is presently a serious discussion in our country regarding the right to keep and bear arms. As a citizen and your Sheriff, I think it is important to publicly state where I stand on this important issue. I grew up with firearms in my home and throughout my entire life. My father was a Korean War veteran and made sure my brother and I had the knowledge, skills and respect to properly use any firearm we handled. Some of my fondest memories were of target practicing with my family in our back yard and hunting on our land. The familiarity and practice with firearms gave my family the knowledge and sense of security that we were ready, willing and able to defend our home if that unfortunate event ever occurred. I believe that the right to keep and bear firearms is fundamental to our individual freedom and liberty. The right to own and possess firearms is an integral part of life in our great country.

I respect our founding fathers wisdom and foresight in clearly establishing citizens’ rights under the Second Amendment to provide a means of self-defense. Any laws or executive orders that proclaim honest, law-abiding, taxpaying citizens must be stripped of their right to keep and bear arms is unconscionable. As patriot Samuel Adams said "The said constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms."

Unfortunately we will always have criminal elements and those who are criminally mentally unstable. This does not mean we should seize firearms or limit the number of bullets they fire. What we should be doing is providing firearm safety courses and conducting extensive back ground checks for all those interested in owning a firearm. Firearm ownership is a basic right, but it is also a great responsibility which should not be taken lightly.

We must not allow the despicable acts committed by violent criminals to infringe upon the constitutional rights of our law abiding citizens. If we compromise on this basic Constitutional right, which will be the next one we give up?

My oath of office states “I will support the Constitution of the United States and of this state, so help me God.” With that in mind, as your Sheriff, I will vigorously safeguard the Constitution and defend all of your rights.

Gerald J. Couch


полиция, constitutional_rights, власть

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