Apr 06, 2007 18:36
Lillian Jogakuen | MariMite Rating Application
Name: Jade
Date of Birth: August 2
Favorite Season: Summer and Winter. Both these seasons offer the most interesting weather.
Likes: Playing and Listening to Music (various types), Reading, Writing, Drawing, Rain, Snow, Sunny weather, Resting in a sunbeam, working on various projects, spending time with my friends, Japanese, sports
Dislikes: Misunderstandings
Strengths: I'm a good listener, and I'm creative.
Weaknesses: Inability to focus on one project at a time, a bit of a perfectionist
Hobbies: Reading, Drawing, Web design, singing, card games
Talents: Some say I draw well, personally I can't say I have a talent but I'm always working toward improvement.
Impulsive/Rational: A mix but I'd have to go with rational. It generally depends on the situation.
Mild Mannered/Outgoing: Mild Mannered. It's not that I'm shy so much as I'm always working on something. There are times when I'll introduce myself to a new student or someone who looks lost or just someone I want to meet.
Energetic/Passive: Energetic.
Manipulative/Easily Influenced: A mix, though if I have to pick I'd say manipulative.
What do you look for in a soeur? Someone I could spend a lot of time. Also someone who could benefit from the knowledge I could share with them and vice versa.
Have you participated in any club activities before? If so please name the clubs. Anime Club (was the club president), Astronomy Club
Do you express your feelings easily towards someone you admire? Definately not. I tend to be the most passive around people I admire. Rather than telling them how I feel I do little things for them like keep them company, draw them a picture, or share music with them.
How possessive are you and how do you show it? I can be quite possesive but I show it in subtle ways.. though occassionally I confess it to the person I'm possessive of so they'll understand my actions.
Are you someone who has a good temperament? In general, yes. There are times when it all comes to a boil and gets released.
How do you cope with loss or change? After a period of sulking I adapt. There's no point in weighing yourself down.
Aside from what has been filled out, give us a description about how you think your girl friends would describe you.
It's difficult to say... some would say I'm positive most the time and that I work too hard. Always making some kind of joke, perhaps they'd say I'm a good listener, and I'm always willing to work problems out rather than leave them to fester.
Favorite Marimite Scene/Episode: This is difficult to choose. I'm partial to the beginning of the story since that's what hooked me in the first place.
Bonus survey question: I’ve always wondered, why is it Sapphire?
Maria-sama has a strong connection to the Earth and sapphires are created through natural processes. When people think of Sapphires they generally think of them as being sold as jewelry or for monatary gain however they are as natural as the sky and elements around them.
Thank you for taking the time to rate me!