And seven more - this time from JS!

Apr 04, 2012 06:12

1. What was the last film you watched and was it any good? Empire Strikes Back and YES IT WAS! Just as good as the other 10000 times I've watched it ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

vinegar_dog April 4 2012, 10:37:47 UTC
I always thought you looked a little like Rygel..:DDDD I am only joking of course! You have the good looks of Jena/Gilina and Aeryn all rolled into one! If John ever laid his eyes on you, you would be like magnetic candy to him! :)


vinegar_dog April 4 2012, 16:07:54 UTC
As you know I am bored - give me questions please!!!! LOL I know you are cursing me now :) You'd better make them the best questions ever asked or I will be very upset! ;)


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