Another Lucky Find

Jul 30, 2014 20:14

The GM Screen for Star Frontiers, from 1983:

Screens seem to be exceptionally rare and hard to come by. I've been looking for the Shadowrun and AD&D 1E screens for years without any luck. Even the D&D 3.5 screen took a lot of searching, despite being of much more recent vintage.

Other finds this week include the Knight Hawks box set for Star Frontiers, the Basic D&D module B4: The Lost City, the Player's Guide to Greyhawk and module A4: In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords for AD&D, Races of the Wild for D&D 3.5, and the adventure Secrets of the Sisar Run for the old WEG D6 Star Wars Roleplaying Game. It's not old and out of print, but I also got the Jewel of Yavin adventure for Edge of the Empire, which is basically Oceans 11 in the Star Wars universe.

dungeons and dragons, star wars

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