I just had dinner with John. It was supposed to be dinner and a movie, but I feel like crap and we called it an early night. I really hope I'm not coming down with something.
John suggested that when we finish Keep on the Borderlands we take a break from D&D and do a one-shot Star Trek game he's been cooking up. I'm a ginormous Star Trek nerd, and I certainly wouldn't mind taking a turn playing instead of GMing, so I think this is a great idea. The game would be set in his own version of the TOS era; not quite canon Trek and not quite SFU, but borrowing elements of both. Definitely old school in tone, or as he put it, "Starfleet officers still get paid and there are no replicators". He mentioned that there were no Organians in this version, and that instead of the Neutral Zone there would be a "contested zone", which would be the backdrop of the game. The PCs will be the senior crew of a Constitution class starship, and they would go on missions themselves, like Kirk & co in the original show; no namby-pamby away team or prime team nonsense.
In order to spare him and Shawn from learning a new game system, he suggested using the D20 version of Prime Directive as the ruleset for the game. Although he was a little less enthusiastic when I mentioned that PD20 isn't a full game by itself--he'd need to buy the D20 Modern core rulebook as well.
I counter-suggested that he use GURPS Prime Directive, since I already own the GURPS core rules. On the other hand, my D&D v3.5 Dungeon Master's Screen came with a D20 Modern GM's screen as a free bonus, and it would be nice to put it to use. But then, I have a GURPS GM screen as well....
At one point, I jokingly suggested that I play a Vulcan, since I could probably do a better job of it than anyone else we know. Strangers from the Sky is, after all, not only my favorite Star Trek novel but also one of my favorite novels, period. John not-so-jokingly thought that this was a very good idea, and now I'm seriously considering it. I think I'll make her the ship's medical officer, because there's surely comedy gold to be found in a Vulcan's idea of a good bedside manner.
I still feel urpy, so I'm going to bed early. I really hope this is just a case of bad tuna fish at lunch; I can't afford to be sick right now.