Experience Points for Having...Experiences

Sep 17, 2013 17:15

I'm finding a lot of useful stuff to steal from the Greyhawk Grognard OSR blog. One of them is granting XP for exploration, traveling to new places and just generally being out and about in the world. Here's a sampling:

10. Enstad. 400 x.p. for entering the capital of the Elven realm of Celene.

11. Erelhei-Cinlu. 400 x.p. for entering the city of the Dark Elves.

12. Esmerin. 400 x.p. for visiting the fabled vale in the Lortmil Mountains.

13. Greyhawk. 250 x.p. for entering the city. An additional 100 x.p. for staying overnight in the Foreign Quarter.

16. Innspa. 250 x.p. for entering the city and sampling its famous baths.

37. Skrellingshald. 300 x.p. for re-discovering the famed lost city of the Flanae

40. Temple of Elemental Evil. 300 x.p. for passing through the front gate into the courtyard of the legendary Temple.

45. White Plume Mountain. 200 x.p.

Then there are the religous pilgrimages:

50. Devotees of Ehlonna receive 200 x.p. for visiting Her sacred grove in the heart of the Silverwood, in Ulek.

51. Followers of Heironeous get 500 x.p. for visiting the Cathedral of Chivalry in Chathold, Almor. 250 x.p. more for visiting the shrine of Heironeous-by-the-sea on the coast of the Sea of Gearnat. And 350 x.p. for visiting the Temple of Heironeous Triumphant in Niole Dra, Keoland.

58. Followers of Lolth get 200 x.p. for visiting the Fane of Lolth in Erelhei-Cinlu.

Because tourism isn't just for the non-Evil.
There's a third category called experiences:

67. Seeing a dragon for the first time; 100 x.p.

72. Going on a ship for the first time; 40 x.p.

81. Fighting as a soldier in a battle with at least 1,000 troops on each side; 100 x.p.

83. Spending at least 1,000 g.p. on a single night’s carouse; 250 x.p. bonus.

92. Cleric: successfully converting someone to your own particular religion; 50 x.p.; 10 x.p. for every subsequent convert (lifetime maximum 1,000 x.p.)

The entire list is here.

greyhawk, dungeons and dragons

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