Little Women Fic: Torn (Jo/Laurie, NC-17), AU for Braver Than We Are

Jun 05, 2010 14:23

This one-shot probably won't make much sense if you haven't read Elizbeth Harker's excellent supernatural Little Women fic Braver Than We Are... but it does nonetheless contain Jo, Laurie, the threat of death, a very cruel mark upon one or the both of them... and a hell of a lot of sex ( Read more... )

laurie, jo, little women, fic, amy

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Comments 11

Oh Dear Lord. sylven84 June 6 2010, 02:56:42 UTC
I'm tempted to say that is all but it isn't. That was spectacular and and and... I'm at loss for words ( ... )


Re: Oh Dear Lord. mariagoner June 15 2010, 20:55:39 UTC
Ah, I'm so glad to hear from you again! XD What have you been up to? How are you doing? I'm basically taking time this summer to chill, play video-games, and get my ass well and thoroughly cooked by a new fitness regime. (Curse you, P90X! And you too, Tony Horton!) And as a side-line, I'm also planning on writing a hell of a lot of fic. ;)

In any case, I'm nearly giddy with your very, very, very kind praise. Thank you so much for liking this story! Believe me, it was just an intense an experience to write as it seems you found it to read... but I'm very satisfied with the end-result. And I'm glad the desperation and darkness of this worked for you. I don't write much Dark Fic for Little Women-- hard to, when the source material itself tries to be relentlessly upbeat-- but this could not be resisted. ♥


Re: Oh Dear Lord. sylven84 June 17 2010, 02:27:55 UTC
Yes, I can't even imagine the mind set you must have been in to approach these characters in true "Dark Fic" style. They don't really lend themselves to it normally. Between yourself and Ms. Harker, you've managed to add another dimension to the characters that they wouldn't have in standard Little Women universe. I've decided that it is both a sign of the strength of your writing skills and of the strength of the characters that you can add this extra dimension to them and still keep them in character. I just chalk it up to your writing expertise and smile and nod as if I understand how ( ... )


Re: Oh Dear Lord. mariagoner June 24 2010, 03:17:56 UTC
Ah, the bar exam! Does that mean you finished law school? If so, congratulations! And good luck on that exam... I heard it's killer.

(P.S. Quick question, since I'm curious... do you take the same exact bar exam in the US, no matter what state you're in? Or does the exam itself vary by your home state?)

Heh, putting Jo and Laurie even remotely plausibly into a situation where they would do something as, well, desperate and even raunchy as this took rather a lot of contrivance. Specifically, it took a couple of dead relatives, a HELL of a lot of freaky vampire attacks and finally, Jo starting to die herself. I'm just glad you thought the end result was worth it! XD ( ... )


twilit June 6 2010, 04:36:30 UTC
Well. Um. *cough*

That was deliciously intense. I would rather like to see the series that inspired this. If only to get more on these brands, etc.

But mostly, holy crap that was some of the 'ardest smut I've ever read. The build up to that confession (which seems to be some manner of trademark with you, or maybe the comm as a whole, hell if I know) was drawn out taught and you could feel it snap. Wonderful :)


mariagoner June 15 2010, 21:00:50 UTC
Ed! ::clings:: I feel like it's been a stupidly long time since we got the chance to chat! How are you? What are you up to? And when do you go on AIM? This summer, between getting my arse kicked by a fitness regime from hell, I've been spending a LOT of time online. I can only hope I'll catch you on at some point.

I'm glad you enjoyed this so much! It was a very, very intense experience to write... and I'm glad it translated into an intense reading experience as well. And I must admit, I do love my tortured confession scenes... I only regret I could not get a Big Nooooooooooooooo from someone in it. ;)

Also, the original series is below. The start of it is somewhat slow but once the killings start, it's a thrill ride the whole way through. And it's updated very, very quickly, so I thoroughly recommend waiting for the upcoming end.


twilit June 15 2010, 22:55:21 UTC
I have honestly forgotten to get on aim. I mostly use aimexpress these days, which may account for my inability to get online regularly. Maybe I should dl the full version... :P

I shall make an effort to get online later tonight!


mariagoner June 24 2010, 03:18:57 UTC
Had family guests over for a few days... joy. But send me an email at mariagonerlj at yahoo if you're ever on and I'll hop on as well! I don't tend to go on without knowing someone I know is on. XD


thisoldhighway June 6 2010, 06:35:31 UTC
Jesus. I think... when I read your work, I... kind of have an out of body experience. Like, forget who I am.

You know all those lingering worries and thoughts, hovering above you all day long? It's as if your writing rips all of that away from my consciousness and I'm left dumb-founded by the raw emotions and truth you create.

So... thank you! Thank you for writing. :) You make me stop and rethink what writing IS.


mariagoner June 15 2010, 22:38:08 UTC
Your kind words really are making me blush! I'm so glad you enjoyed this story-- I really was afraid it would be a little too dirty and raw for most to enjoy. However, it's nice to find out that that side of this story was part of it's charm. I never would have guessed it before hand, believe it. ;)

In any case, thanks again for reading and reviewing!


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