A Short Survey for Fanfic Readers and Writers, Esp Within the FFXII Fandom

Oct 20, 2007 10:08

Here are just a few survey questions about reading and writing fanfic (especially within the FFXII fandom) that I’d like to toss out at my f-list and any kind people who might have wandered by. I'm merely asking these questions out of curiosity so you needn't worry about ending up in, say, a thesis paper anytime soon. ;) And please feel free to answer anything and/or everything and to skip questions if you’d rather not reply to them!

And yes, anonymous commenting is on and IP tracing is off so if you’d like to reply without letting people know who you are, that’s perfectly okay. I'm honestly fascinated in knowing if people are actually struggling with the following questions the way I am... or whether I'm merely a giant exception to everything in the fandom!

General Questions for Writers:

1. Do you have a set schedule for when you post up fic? (Every few days, every weekend, every two weeks, etc.)

2. Do you ever compare the amount of feedback you receive for your fics against the amount of feedback another fic-writer receives?

3. Do you ever get envious of the popularity of another fic-writer?

4. Have you ever been pigeon-holed as writer for a particular pairing or character or genre? (The Balthier/Ashe writer, the angst writer, the Larsa writer, etc.) If so, do you consciously play up that stereotype of your writing or do you try to buck it?

General Questions for Readers:

5. Have you ever wanted to leave negative feedback for a fic a friend has written? Have you gone through with it or desisted?

6. Have you ever gotten in to the habit of reading a particular person’s writing but not commenting on it, no matter how much you might enjoy it?

7. Are you more apt to comment on a fanfic if you have a personal relationship with the author than when you do not?

8. Have you ever commented favorably on a fic you didn’t particularly enjoy primarily because you knew the author?

General Questions for Those Within the FFXII Fandom:

8 (1/2). Do you have a favorite writer within the FFXII? Who is it?

9. Do you have a least favorite? Have you ever expressed than opinion to anyone?

10. Do you feel as though there is a definite and popular “in group” within the fandom, consisting of the fandom's BNFs? If so, do you feel included within their circle or outside of it?

11. Are there any ships or kinks within the fandom that you hate? Have you ever expressed this opinion? If so, why not?

12. Are there any ships or kinks that you wish were more popular? Have you tried to make that the case?

13. Have you ever witnessed a personal conflict within the FFXII fandom? If so, what was it?

14. Are you comfortable with the size of the fandom? Do you ever wish it was larger/more popular or smaller/less popular?

15. What do you think of the move to IJ that many people within the FFXII fandom have undertaken? Are you comfortable with the move or do you find it troublesome?


Some of these are uncomfortable questions, yes, but I think they’re valid ones to ask. And of course, anyone looking this post over should feel free to pick and choose exactly which ones they’d like to answer, if they’d like to answer any at all.

(Also, if anyone likes, I could make another post with my answers to these questions. It’s not exactly fair if I ask and not answer anything, right? ;)

ffxii, meme

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