Title: The Unwritten: Leviathan.
Author: Mike Carey.
Artist: Peter Gross.
Genre: Fiction, graphic novel, fantasy, adventure.
Country: U.S.
Language: English.
Publication Date: October 25, 2011.
Summary: Tom Taylor is more than just the son of one of the world’s most popular authors and the namesake of his most beloved creation, the boy wizard Tommy Taylor. He’s a living weapon in a literal war of words, in which a shadowy cabal uses the power of storytelling itself to shape the world according to their own dark designs. And he was born and bred to close the book on them forever. In order to harness his extraordinary powers, Tom must sail the seas of one of the greatest stories ever told, and hunt the white whale that has left countless stories of myth and madness in its wake. Meanwhile, his friends are hunted by a dangerous new enemy and facing identity crises of their own. Will Tom’s voyage lead them all to the answer they seek? Or will he drown in the depths of a thousand and one unhappy endings?
My rating: 9.5/10.
♥ "I was sad."
"You ripped my book, Lizzie! You ripped the page right out of my book!"
"I was sad for the Lady Jingly Jones. How she has to never see the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo again. All because she was married to some stupid man!"
"But it's just a book, you twerp! It's not true! It's a story! Ufff! Wh- What did you do that for? That hurt!"
"But will it hurt tomorrow, Tommy? Will it hurt next week, or next year, or- or after I'm gone, and we're not even friends anymore?"
"No. It was just a smack. I could hit you back a lot harder if you weren't a girl."
"That's the difference."
"When I smack you, that's for-real-true. When Lady Jingly Jones cries, it's story-true. For-real-true is only true now. Story-true is true forever."
♥ "You went to a Catholic school, didn't you, Mathilde? Think of the lamb of God. When the world's flesh is scoured away, metaphors will be all that's left."
♥ "You can't, Daddy! You can't stop there! Tommy got swallowed up by a whale!"
"So what do you think happened next?"
"He got away? And lived happily ever after?"
"Good God! No, of course he didn't! Nobody ever lives happily ever after, Tom. If that were to happen, the story would have to stop. Because it's sustained on the endless agonies and exertions of the hero. The twists and turns of the plot resemble a maze. But they're opposite of a maze. There are no wrong turnings. Just one way through, and one end point. At the close of each book, we promise him a respite. A moment's peace. And a moment's all it is. But believe me, lad, that's as close as you're ever going to get to a happy ending."