Title: Uzumaki: Spiral into Horror, Vol. 3.
Author: Junji Ito.
Genre: Fiction, graphic novel, manga, horror.
Country: Japan.
Language: Japanese.
Publication Date: 1999.
Summary: With their town devastated by titanic hurricanes, the citizens of the spiral-haunted town of Kurôzu-chofind themselves cut off from the outside world. Reporters and rescue teams cross the mountain range into Kurôzu-cho, only to find themselves unable to leave. Trapped inside the cursed ruins, the desperate survivors struggle and huddle together, waiting to run into giant snails, or worse. The very laws of nature are changed as the spiral sucks them in. And to fight it, or to escape, the last survivors must go to the heart of the horror to witness what may be their eventual fate..
My rating: 9/10