The Undertaking of Lily Chen by Danica Novgorodoff.

Jan 23, 2016 06:37

Title: The Undertaking of Lily Chen.
Author: Danica Novgorodoff.
Genre: Fiction, graphic novel, romance, adventure.
Country: U.S.
Language: English.
Publication Date: March 25, 2014.
Summary: A hapless young man living in northern China is suddenly expelled from ordinary life when his brother dies in an accident. Holding Deshi responsible for his brother's death, his parents send him on a mission to acquire a corpse bride to accompany his brother into the afterlife, in accordance with an ancient Chinese tradition that has many modern adherents. Eligible dead girls are in short supply, however. When Deshi falls into company with a young and single woman named Lily, he sees a solution to his problems. The only hitch is that willful, tart-tongued Lily is still very much alive. As Deshi and Lily adventure through a breathtaking mountain landscape, meeting a host of eccentric characters and dangerous adversaries along the way, Deshi just can't decide whether to kiss the girl or to kill her.

My rating: 7.5/10.

♥ I dreamt I was in love for the first time.

I traveled through the kingdom with my beloved, to a city underwater where the people bobbed like buoys in an exquisite floodland, where the hundred islands of Hong Kong looked absolutely like the fairytales of golden ports and dragon-crested vessels. The summer was ending, the day was waning, the world was liquid, and soon she would be gone.

My girl - her face was wet with tears.

Don't leave me yet, I said. We have an eternity, still.

But she turned from me and waded toward her airplane, the water licking its fin like a shark's. In the silky veil of pollution the tarmac glowed saffron and silver.

I dreamt I was an airplane.

I dreamt I was a dinosaur.

I dreamt I was in love.

I dreamt I was enormous.

21st century - fiction, fiction, american - fiction, romance, adventure, 2010s, travel and exploration (fiction), chinese in fiction, graphic novels

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