Title: Kinesic
Author: Maren
Pairing: Dee/Lee, Lee/Kara
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Unfinished Business
Summary: His body speaks and she listens.
Author Note: This was inspired by
sarmoti who said that she wanted to see the aftermath of Unfinished Business with Dee and/or Anders, as well as by
indigo419's excellent new Kara/Lee post-UB fic. Un-beta'd-- feel free to
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Comments 44
Gods, she wants to wish she chose someone else.
This is who she is.
I love this. I don't think this is a weakness in Dee - she seems drawn to Lee the way Kara and Lee are drawn to each other (well, I guess some might call *that* a weakness too!). If anything I find it brave - and futile, yes, that as well - of her to face the collapse of her marriage so unflinchingly. She's eschewed denial as a coping strategy.
She's eschewed denial as a coping strategy.
I love this. What a great summary. I don't see Dee as weak at all, and I don't think she's the calculating shrew that many want to make her out to be. I think Dee is drawn to Lee and what he represents and that she does love him. I do believe she's used denial in the past but the look on her face during the boxing scenes-- I can't see her going back to that place. She's strong enough to face the truth.
no worries! I loved the funhouse mirror effect of it - of seeing the same events from a different perspective.
I can't see her going back to that place.
Dee suddenly became ten times more interesting as second fiddle than she's been in a long time. I think it would be really interesting if they showed her opening up that conversation with Lee before he's ready for it.
This is her husband, and she comforts him.
Beautifully written, and very believable.
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