I love my Kara/Lee flist (and Asta!)

Nov 26, 2007 12:33

You know what I love about my carefully selected corner of BSG fandom?

We tend to have hard-core character identification in this fandom. Now that seems to normally lead to a lot of clashing in a dramatic show where there are character clashes. But for whatever reason, in my corner of fandom, when we just don't get where another character is coming from we go to the "experts" and get the scoop. It's awesome. Where else does that happen?

The funniest thing about this to me is that in BSG, it's Kara fans and Lee fans, and for whatever reason people are in one of their heads or the other, but not both. And we ship them, even though it is agonizing at times! And we Kara-centric people get irritated with Lee and don't understand and vice versa but instead of wanking, we go to our trusted counterparts and get their interpretation. I don't know about the rest of you, but even when I don't completely agree with a Lee-fan's synopsis (because we are all subject to over-identification and seeing what we want to see- hello Kara apologist!) I always take away a more deeper appreciation for the character and have a more nuanced view of what happened in the text.

So here's a shout-out to my go-to girls for Lee: indigo419, bop_radar, and asta77. And also to my fellow Kara-fiend whom I'm almost always in complete agreement with when it comes to our girl, wisteria_.

*sobs dramatically* Isn't it beautiful?


*brought to you after reading through old Razor threads and coming to terms with some things but also realizing we were all saying such similar things- hivemind or something.
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