[fanfiction] Mistakes

Jan 09, 2010 21:36

TITLE: Mistakes
AUTHOR: marciafan
CHARACTERS: Jenny Shepard, Ziva David (hints of Jibbs)
GENRE: General, Friendship, Slash? (Not sure, but maybe you can read it that way too)
PROMPT: #63. Mistake (@ madame_director)
SUMMARY: An undercover op to get into a trafficking ring sounded like a piece of cake. Or maybe not.
WARNINGS: Pre-series.
A/N: ( Read more... )

public entry, jenny shepard, ziva david, fanfics, madame_director contest, ncis

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Comments 6

nicis_anatomy January 9 2010, 21:13:44 UTC
Another probie mistake Jen made ... Well, why did "Jeopardy" happen then, Ma'am? You should've known better ;) *gibbs-slaps the director*

Anyway, I really like the story. Not my pairing (or genre), but as usual I like to read these things as gen or friendship - if possible -, and here it worked perfectly ;)

Oh, and I love what you did with the pictures. Your banner looks awesome!!


marciafan January 9 2010, 21:22:28 UTC
I'm so happy you liked it ♥ When I wrote it I didn't quite think of it as slash, more as Jiva friendship. And I kept thinking about our conversation the other day, that's what prompted this, along with the Rihanna song XD

And thanks for the banner comment *hugs*


nicis_anatomy January 10 2010, 08:37:15 UTC
It works in both ways. Can be friendship, can be mild slash. I like that! ;)


(The comment has been removed)

marciafan January 9 2010, 21:23:29 UTC
*me is happy* ♥♥♥ I don't know how you feel about Jiva, but I'm still happy you liked this! =)


cici1018 January 10 2010, 04:17:09 UTC
Now I actually get to tell you that I loved this...long after I've told you that I read it...early this morning. XD Love the Jiva friendship


marciafan January 10 2010, 11:28:59 UTC
LOL Better late than never ♥ I'm glad you liked it!!! But I think I will eventually write another (longer) fanfiction on that Cairo situation, not inspired by Rihanna's song XD That way I get to describe it the way I've always thought of it.


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