[fanfic] I'll Be Home For Christmas

Dec 17, 2009 12:41

TITLE: I'll Be Home For Christmas
AUTHOR: marciafan
PAIRING/CHARACTER: Jenny Shepard, Jethro Gibbs
GENRE: AU, Romance, Family
SUMMARY: A Christmas play and Daddy isn't there to see it.
WARNINGS: Very much AU and total fluff. Also, English isn't my mother language and this is not beta'd, so bear with me and my mistakes, please.
A/N ( Read more... )

public entry, christmas, fanfics, jibbs, ncis, contest

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Comments 13

nicis_anatomy December 17 2009, 11:58:19 UTC
I'm normally not a huge fan of baby!fics, but this one was so sweet ... I just couldn't resist. I really hope Jethro will make it home for Christmas ;)
Any chance for a sequel? *tries to give you a perfect Jenny look through her eyelashes and fails*
I really, really, really loved this. And it was just the kind of fluff I needed today. Thank you for this!


marciafan December 17 2009, 19:49:53 UTC
Aww, thanks to you! I'm happy you liked it even though you don't like babyfics =) and about a sequel, I don't know... maybe if I come up with some good good Christmas Eve/Christmas Day for Jibbs and little Lizzie lol XD


nicis_anatomy December 18 2009, 06:14:49 UTC
There's always Chris Rea and his "Driving home for Christmas". Might be a good song for a sequel (from Jethro's POV) *g*
I'm just saying ... *looks innocent*


marciafan December 18 2009, 14:49:56 UTC
I'll have to check that out! Will do so later, and maybe something can come out of it XD


(The comment has been removed)

marciafan December 17 2009, 19:48:11 UTC
LOL thanks, love ♥


cici1018 December 17 2009, 23:22:43 UTC
Aww, so sweet. ♥ ♥ &hearts You had me so curious about this last night when you were asking me all the Christmas play stuff XD


marciafan December 17 2009, 23:30:00 UTC
LOOOL what would I do without you? ♥ And I'm happy you liked this =) Needed a break from all the angst LOL


ceciilee December 18 2009, 04:42:55 UTC
i love how you stayed true to the characters- from jenny being the director but also a mom to gibs being super agent and hero daddy!


marciafan December 18 2009, 10:53:50 UTC
Thank you! I tried not to make it too OOC even if it's an AU fic lol. I do believe Jenny could handle being a mother and also the Director of an armed federal agency. As much as I believe that Gibbs could be the super agent he is, and also a great father to his daughter. I think if things had gone different between them and Jenny hadn't left him, they could have gotten married and had kids, and still end up in the same positions they were in on the show lol.


ceciilee December 18 2009, 20:05:47 UTC
I agree- they could have made it. talk about one mistake really destroying lives.


kay_pwns December 18 2009, 04:46:06 UTC
omnomnom <33 love.

BUT HEY WHY DOES EVERYONE NAME THEIR JIBBS BABIES LIZZIE? -hmph- I will protest and one day write a baby fic with a baby named.. ERIC. or Saxon. Or Hannah.

It is my silent rebellion, let me be insane in my own little corner. xDDD

Andandand.. I think Jenny had dirty thoughts. SHE WAS PURRING.


marciafan December 18 2009, 10:49:10 UTC
LOOOOOOL I wanted to respect the double consonant rule in names that Gibbs seems to like XD You know...Shannon, Kelly, Jenny, Hollis... XD it's kinda funny. But then again, I also love the name Elizabeth ♥
Hahahahahaha so glad someone caught that! I couldn't help dropping that little dirty hint in there *blushes* but nobody seemed to notice...so I started to wonder if it was only my mind finding it slightly dirty XD so happy it is not!

Thanks for the comment btw lol, I'm really happy you liked this =)


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