some vaguely elusive plot-bunnies haunting Mjolnir

Jul 29, 2012 12:56

Let us consider Thor’s Hammer, a mystical-magical weapon named Mjolnir, inscribed with: “Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.”


I’ve read various fics in which other Avengers try to pick up Thor’s Hammer and occasionally they succeed. They have been found worthy! Cool!

But then, I was ( Read more... )

thor, plot-bunny, the avengers

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Comments 9

yllyana July 29 2012, 18:30:04 UTC
Regarding Thought 2, I was under the impression that Odin inscribed the worthiness clause when he banished Thor, and so previous use was not being judged to that standard.


marbleglove July 29 2012, 18:50:42 UTC
Oh, huh. I may need to go back and re-watch the movie. That would change a few things. And be even more of a slap down for Thor.

But did the inscription go away again once Thor had reclaimed it?


yllyana July 29 2012, 19:02:51 UTC
No, I'm pretty sure it's still judging him, he just met the standards and continues to do so.


gestalt1 July 29 2012, 22:04:37 UTC
if Thought #1 is the case, pretty much the perfect candidate would be Dr. Doom, a monarch himself and a villain with honour.


marbleglove July 29 2012, 22:51:07 UTC
Hee! And wouldn't that be awesome for the Avengers to see?


loqia July 30 2012, 01:21:15 UTC
I always thought Thought #2 was what the movie implies is the criteria for "worthiness", i.e. someone Odin judges as "worthy" to be his heir, by whatever arbitrary standard Odin decides at any one moment in time. Hence thinking it's all a bit bullshit. :P ( ... )


marbleglove July 30 2012, 15:42:18 UTC
You're very welcome for the rec; thank you for the awesome stories; and it's not creepy at all: welcome to my LJ ( ... )


loqia July 31 2012, 02:59:28 UTC
Heh. Loki's reputation is what makies it fun, though. ;)

Particularly in the context of ALIMoM, where he rarely outright actually lies. So you get that fun tension where everyone knows he's just trying to stir discontent, and they know they shouldn't listen, except... Except there's always that tiny little voice inside. The one that says, "... but why not me? Why aren't I worthy?"

Particularly with humans. What with our lionisation of equality and general ideological disapproval of concepts like born right to rule and all (in theory, if not always in implementation)... eheheheheheheh.

Ah, Mjolnir. That's the problem with magic weapons. They always seem to cause more issues than they solve...


marbleglove July 31 2012, 14:31:25 UTC
Magical weapons definitely bring their own issues. And it's very important to read the fine print. I imagine gifts from Odin are a bit like faerie gifts, as much curse as blessing.

In the context of ALIMoM, I can imagine Loki ever so casually mentioning the worthiness issue to one of the Avengers and then Fury telling him to be quiet, because Fury already knows or has guessed what the issue is. And the fact that Fury and SHIELD believes Loki is telling the truth just makes that little insidious voice of "why not me?" all the worse.


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