Two Gilmore Girls music videos

Aug 08, 2007 21:04

Here are two Gilmore Girls music videos, one Rory and Jess and one of Rory and Logan. Feedback appreciated!

As Lovers Go
A Rory and Jess video from Jess' POV, particularly focusing on how Rory was hesitant to admit she had feelings for Jess.
Music: As Lovers Go by Dashboard Confessional
Size: 17.1 MB
Made: Late 2006 (yet not posted til now lol)

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gilmore girls, jess mariano, rory gilmore, logan huntzberger, music videos

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Comments 1

mrsecholls May 6 2008, 23:22:38 UTC
I loooove them!!! especially the second one which is gonna go on my iPod!^^


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