Starting affectionatly, I see. Mary-Sue and Daniel have this time better relationship, they rushed ACR'ing the minute I unpaused the game.
Lilith suffers from her first periods. Welcome to the awesomeness of womanhood.
Angela and Lilith started also affectionatly.
Dan welcomed a receding hairline with mixed feelings. Does this mean that he's not a man's man anymore?
(Like he was at anypoint... ha)
Angela started her period too.
The only way to stop them fighting is to tie them in front of the tv.
But still there were some poking going on behind closed doors. However, soon after this girls apologized to one another and their relationship got reset to 0. Later on they actually became friends.
Someone please, enlighten me. Is Lilith hair-thing a texture issue or is it just my graphics?
Dan takes his mid-life crisis out on the bunching bag.
Lilith is still doing rather poorly at school, but getting better atleast.
Well well well.. What do we have here?!
A baby bumb!
Dustin walked by one evening and Angie rushed to meet him. Look how excited he looks.
And while M-S was snoozing standing up, Angela finally (?!) got her [slightly misplaced] First Kiss.
I had to take of the hack that prevented sims from smelling flowers. Had to.
Don't worry, you're getting there.
And this is what he thought right after woohoo.. Very alarming. I can see that he's getting old.
And then the girls grew up. Here's Angela.
...who ran straight to the phone...
...and booty called Dustin under her dad's nose.
...on her parents bed. And on top of it all, they TFB autonomously. Bling bling!
Kaylynn called Daniel one night, but he didn't seem to be moved much.
Twins first jobs.
And Angie's first steps of becoming a mom at age 18.
Looks like others don't appreciate M-S's (lack of) skills. Btw, Daniel didn't try anything with Kaylynn when she came to clean the house. I guess that fling is over.
After one of the many toilet hugging moments.
And finally, M-S is in naked labor in a broken shower.
It's a boy called Grant.
Taking care of the little bro.
Family fun in the bathroom.
And then Grant grew up.
As did Dan.
I wonder what kind of litter Angie is having, since this is the FIRST pop!
What a happy camper.
And then, Angela finally rolled her first want concerning Dustin on this round!
Nice to see that she wants something more than just a baby.
In spite of being a cranky old geezer, Dan loves his son.
On the last night Angela arranged some action to the whole household.
And after the fire had put out, she wanted to take a sponge bath in the kitchen, while everyone was watching.
Then she moved out with Lilith to wait for round 2 and the birth of her child(ren).